dt 125lc cdi compatibility
thats interesting i thought the case had to be split to do the crank oil seals it would be well handy as i dont really want to split engine just yet,does anyone 100% know if this is possible to do or is it a case split job. i think i will end up doing a head swop when i know for certain about the oil seals as the bike lost compression and there are a couple of deep scores in the barrel and piston so hopefully my crank seals are ok and a head swop will fix problem thanks for all the help guys
dt 125lc cdi compatibility
I got the engine off ebay and it beginning to look like i got ripped off as the engine was sold as a rebuilt engine but i think its only had a top end on it and like you said it sounds like something internal my old engine either needs a top end rebuild or its blown the crankcase oil seals is there anyway of checking the oil seals without a strip down because if the seals are ok then i can get the top done and put old engine back in
dt 125lc cdi compatibility
no i have not tried swopping stator plates yet but i did phone my local yam dealer and he checked the part numbers for an 85 against an 89 and the stator is the same and the cdi is different number that superseeds over to the same as the 89 so unless my cdi packed up when the engine died and lost compression then i have no ideas.The carb i tried was one i got second hand that i fitted to old engine and it worked the bike was flying so i presumed it was the same as the old carb I took the head off the old engine and the rings have broken up and scored the barrel,should there be any left and right play in the conrod as mine slides left and right a bit and you can wobble it a bit so i think bearings have gone aswell. the bike just about starts and the most i can get to idle at is about 1200 rpm with the choke on and the idle screw right in,if you try to rev it it just coughs and dies,sometimes when its a bit warmer you can put the choke in and a couple of times slowly increased the revs up to about 5000rpm but it just coughs backfires and dies any ideas
dt 125lc cdi compatibility
I have a dt 125lc 1985 and have just put another engine that i got off ebay in it but i cannot get it to run i have a spark and fuel but it just about runs and backfires and dies if you turn off the choke or try to rev it.I have tried a different carb and reeds but it makes no difference so i am wondering if its a timing thing or my cdi is not compatible with my engine,does anyone know a way of checking or are all the cdi"s the same.I was told by the seller that the engine came out of an 89 dt and mine is a 1985
dt125lc chain tensioner
thanks cynic that was exactly what i was looking for,i have the bar that the tensioner sits on but thats all so i will have to try to find a complete tensioner from somewhere if anybody has one they want to sell please email. can anyone tell me if the chain should run over the top roller thanks
dt125lc chain tensioner
does anyone have a picture or diagram of the chain tensioner and where the chain should run as i have a roller on the top thats not doing anything and i think the chain should go over this and below where i think the chain tensioner or a roller goes i only have a metal bar and the chain is running over it wearing it away.the bike is a 1985 dt125lc mk1,i have looked in the haynes manual but that was no help
mk1 dt125lc full throttle problems
i have a 1985 mk1 dt125lc and i cannot get full throttle when you ride it and open the throttle past half it bogs down then revs then bogs then revs so you are kangarooing down the road,i have checked the carb replaced all the jets etc set the floats but it makes no difference.I am now thinking it may be the coil breaking down or the cdi or something else electrical anyone got any ideas that might pin point the problem
dt125lc backfires
hi jim pulse coil that sounds right do you know where to get one as i have searched but not found anything for my bike thanks for your help dave
dt125lc engine reverse running
i have a 1985 dt 125lc which when i kick it over it runs rough for a second the engine then kicks back the wrong way which has now broken something inside that stops the kick start when it returns to its seating position now it is sitting against the caseing.i cannot understand how an engine can suddenly reverse direction any idease guys
dt125lc backfires
hi jim thanks for the welcome the bike is a c reg 1985 dt125lc ,can you tell me where the pulse coil is ? is the one under the tank with one wire or is it in the engine under the stator wheel somewhere.The engine is definately kicking into reverse as it has now broke the kick start which has gone back too far and sits on the caseing i dont understand how an engine can change direction thanks for your help dave
dt125lc backfires
hi jim thanks for the welcome you say it sounds like a pulse coil can you tell me is that the coil mounted under the tank with 1 wire or is it something in the engine behind the stator wheel ok i have had another look at the bike which is a c reg 1985 dt 125lc,i have checked and cleaned the reeds which wasnt that bad,trying to kick the bike over and it is definately bouncing back the other way as i nearly had my foot broken when it kicked back and the last time it kicked back so hard the kickstart has gone past it stop point and is sitting on the casing so i now have to take the caseing off to see whats broken in there.i have a spark at the plug and petrol yet it will run rough for a second then kick into reverse any ideas guys as this is driving me mad
dt125lc backfires
i have a dt125lc that has an intermittent fault which is sometimes it starts and runs fine but other times it starts very lumpy and keeps cutting out then backfires,i have cleaned out the carb but it made no difference when it is just about running it wont rev up then cuts out and backfires,also i am not sure but i had the cover off the left side of engine and the stator wheel spins when its struggling to run then when it cuts out the wheel spins the opposite way and if you still have kick start down it kicks back up any ideas guys
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