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  1. m43m@c replied to chardin2's post in a topic in The Bar
    I fitted the 3" Roadburner stepped pipes today to my '98 Yamaha XVS650A Dragstar and what a difference they've made. Deep loud rumble, just perfect, even better than I had hoped for. Did I mention loud? The included cores are perfect, couldn't imagine removing them or ever needing to change them. Bottom end, midrange and top end all sound excellent, better performance all round as well. I have a hypercharger and carbs rejetted and also fully recommend it. On idle, the sound is great, deep and lumpy. I had stock pipes with modded baffles before and my mechanic said these pipes won't make much of a difference, maybe a bit. Well he's in for a big surprise next service, he will hear me coming! I thought long and hard before choosing these pipes and read many forums and reviews on all available pipes before making my choice. I can tell you it pays to go that little bit further. I almost bought slip ons until I heard another bike like mine and there was no big difference between them and modded baffles in stock pipes. Almost didn't buy any pipes because of it. Luckily for me I did and I am so pleased with the result. A few more bucks for a lot more bang. Oh, did I mention loud?
  2. m43m@c replied to sdy30's post in a topic in The Bar
    I was originally after risers and flat type bars but thought it takes away too much of the original look of the bike.
  3. m43m@c replied to sdy30's post in a topic in The Bar
    Same problem here. On long rides when sitting or leaning a little back further, my arms are a bit too stretched and causes some shoulder pain after. I decided to go with Flanders type 1 dressers (road king / fat boy type - wider B6) on my dragstar xvs650 classic. They have 4 inches more pullback than the stock bars but the same 8" rise. Also they are a little bit wider by 2". Get them next week and will hopefully fix the problem. I put the floorboards on with 4" extensions and makes my ride much more comfortable, but just need to get the handles a bit closer for comfort. more details here: http://www.sideroadcycles.com/AmericanMoto...Handlebars.html or here: http://www.sideroadcycles.com/ImportedMoto...20wide%201.html
  4. I fitted the 3" Roadburner stepped pipes today (easy to fit) to my '98 Yamaha XVS650A Dragstar and what a difference they've made. Deep loud rumble, just perfect, even better than I had hoped for. Did I mention loud? The included cores are perfect, couldn't imagine removing them or ever needing to change them. Bottom end, midrange and top end all sound excellent, better performance all round as well. I have a hypercharger and carbs rejetted and also fully recommend it. On idle, the sound is great, deep and lumpy. I had stock pipes with modded baffles before and my mechanic said these pipes won't make much of a difference, maybe a bit. Well he's in for a big surprise next service, he will hear me coming! I thought long and hard before choosing these pipes and read many forums and reviews on all available pipes before making my choice. I can tell you it pays to go that little bit further. I almost bought slip ons until I heard another bike like mine and there was no big difference between them and modded baffles in stock pipes. Almost didn't buy any pipes because of it. Luckily for me I did and I am so pleased with the result. A few more bucks for a lot more bang
  5. m43m@c replied to mykeee1880's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yep, me too and I'm lovin' it! It's a '98 Dragstar Classic. I've done 4,000 k's on it in 2 months and hasn't skipped a beat. Spending lots though on a never ending trail of accessories. Bought the hypercharger and re-jetted the carbs as well as a set of 3" Roadburner stepped drag pro pipes. That changed everything.... now I'm in lust with it