thank you. this bike has been awesome for me, it just had to sit while i took care of my other priorities first. but once i get it back up, i'll try to post some videos on youtube or here if they allow it.
i was told that this part number is the seal i need, by a yamaha tech. 358439-001 he said its the left side cranshaft seal. anyone know? and what's the damn technical name so i don't look like a bigger idiot than i already have.
anyone know if this is the left side crankshaft seal (i need technical name. imma a newb in the dirt bike world.) for my 1990 rt180? part # 358439-001. its what a yamaha tech said i need and he aint got no pic or or part in stock to show me. and should i just go ahead and overhaul the seals since its been sittin for 3 yrs, while i have it apart?