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  1. I am the proud owner of a TDM900; it was fully serviced 3 months ago and a new battery was fitted by a Yam dealer due to it going flat over the winter. I have ridden the bike at least every other week since (all dry miles); yesterday I took it out for a 20m ride, parked it in a garage overnight and this morning it won't start. I attached a trickle charger, which indicates the battery is ok (3 of the 4 led lights glow) and when the ignition button is pressed there is a clicking noise, suggesting it is trying to start but no joy! I won't pretend to be a mechanical expert, but if anyone can shed some light I'd really appreciate it (i.e. is it as simple as plugs?!) Also- it would be good to get any suggestions of how to set up the trickle charger to the mains; do I need to remove any connections from the +ve andf -ve terminals? I look forward to hearing from you