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Everything posted by Alex_R125

  1. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
    really?? thats quite cheep! (i think lol) i will have to go down and check at my dealer as well i gess, just waiting for ALL the ice to go haha
  2. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
    how do i do that mate? if u want, i could send and email if i carnt, but its up 2 u pal
  3. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
    hmmmmm, looks like it wont let me put the pic on properly
  4. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
  5. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
    im sorry to hear that mate, it is sooo anoying isnt it? and it makes it worse when people laugh at it.
  6. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
    I have some good news! i have managed to bend my brake peddle back into place! so luckily i wont need to buy one (fingers crossed!) i will try to up load some pictures of it if i can!
  7. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
    its horrible isnt it! but unfortunatly it is life
  8. Alex_R125 replied to Alex_R125's post in a topic in Naked
    THANK YOU! that is going to help me so much! cos i dont know where to go really, cos im shure that dealers will most probly rip me off lol thankyou pal !!! stay safe!
  9. Alex_R125 posted a post in a topic in Naked
    basicly this is what happend on the day- just to inform you, this happend about 3 and a half weeks ago i was on my way to collage at about 8:30am. To get there, i have to go threw a fair bit of traffic, so most of the way i am doing crawling pace. but in order for me to get to college, i have to go threw a small amount of country lanes, which are rather buisy at that time in the morning. so with having all of the cars driving over the road, i didnt think that it would be that bad. i mean it never has been, and i have been going down there 3 days a week for one and a half years now, and it has never made me feel unsafe on that road. but when you come to the end of the lane, the traffic starts to back up, which ends up with the traffic crawling slowley, so i was just slowly going along with just my clutch out, doing about 4MPH and when i was about 15 meters away form the junction, there was some black ice (which i obviosly didnt see) and all the traffic had stopped, so when i came to stop, i slowly put my back brake on and to my surprise at the time, it didnt do anything (obviosly skidded or somthing) so with out without thinking, i went to put my front brake on, which locked up and the next minite, all i saw was was my bike sliding from under me. I know it wasnt really going fast enough to cause some real damage, but i caused a lot more than i would have thought. when i came to lift my bike up (which was very difficult when standing on black ice) the car in front me of got out the car, not to help me, or ask if i am okay, just to say 'its slippy', not that i didnt notice with my pride and joy, just led in the road!!!! anyway, when i got to college and inspected the damage done to my bike, i had scrached the right hand side fairing panel and ripped a hole in the center of the vinyl, bent my back brake pedel round and scraped my new scorpion exhaust. also scratched the ends of my handle bar and brake leaver. i know it is stupid to ride a bike in this kind of weather, but i have no choice when it come to me going to collage, and i have to live with that. but it also anoys me, because i was going to buy some bungs on the side of my panels (sorry i dont know the name) to stop them taking as much damage, but they look damn ugly in my opinion! but regret not getting them now! also i was wondering if anyone could help me out with prices- for the right hand side fairing panel vinyl for the fairing panel new brake peled (i might not need one, just heat it up and bend it back) i would also like to add, that i hope no one will have to go threw falling off there bike, eather at slow speed or fast speeds! stay safe out there! Thanks for your help! Alex! P.S my chain has come very loose, i dont know if this is just coincidence, but i have tightend it and think it is okay. just wondering if it would have any relevance to my bike falling.
  10. Alex_R125 posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Hey people! i have been looking up about a new sports exhaust for my bike, and i think i might get a scorpion exhaust, but i dont know where to get one and i dont really know a good price for them, so if anyone could help me out, it would be a great help!! thanks, Alex.
  11. Alex_R125 replied to Just Ian's post in a topic in Naked
    Yep, it is how I ran mine in, and it runnes perfecty! Nearly done 3k miles on it and it's fine mate!! I Know that some people would not agree about running it in that way, and nether did I untill I read that site. I hope that it has helped you out anyway. :-)
  12. Alex_R125 posted a post in a topic in Naked
    i am thinking about getting a scorpion exhaust system for my bike but i am just wondering wether it is acutely worth the money?? hope you can help me out!!??
  13. Alex_R125 replied to Just Ian's post in a topic in Naked
    this website will tell you everything that you need to know! www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm