Everything posted by X_FISH
Someone using a vest with MOLLE and pouches?
Would also do the job - and include a protector. Never saw that model in any onlinshop or store so far. I will keep my eyes open. Found a review (in english) (while searching for offers with the german google...). -> http://www.webbikeworld.com/r4/spidi-h1-reflective-vest/ This is another solution with the leg pouch (non military variant): -> http://katalog.buese.com/index.php?page=product&info=2178 Greetings, Martin
Someone using a vest with MOLLE and pouches?
I hope the bar is the right place for this thread. I have got four jackets and several trousers as safety gear. Somehow the mastermind behind those clothes does not have a key to his house and he always pays using credit cards. Why I assume that? Because there is no pocket in the pants (or it's so small even a pocket watch would fall out) and/or the jacket lacks a for my wallet. So, I always have to do the same: Remove the bench, but the wallet there, but the bench back on the bike. Short stop for fuel, sth. to eat -> same procedure again. I am not the only one with that (tiny) problem, so someone in a german bulletin board posted his solution: He is using a military leg hoster (bought as »UK osprey mk 3 drop leg holster«) with an attached pouch. It is being attached using the MOLLE system. My first thought: Why not using a vest with MOLLE straps? Searching for sth. like that, I have found a lot of »load carrying vests«, »tactical vests« and some »osprey vests«. The osprey vest (mk 1 to mk 3) are inexpensive and the mk 2 and mk 3 models are at sale ~£25 to £35 (over here in germany). Is someone using an osprey vest like those (mk 3/mk 3) or a similar load carrying vest while riding? Greetings, Martin
Yamaha YBR 125 - Will not start
Have you checked the wiring (with a multimeter)? Maybe the switch is not the problem. Greetings, Martin
Not new but with a new (used) Yamaha
Something new on my website: The integration of the google translator - as a link. From now on you can read what i wrote about my XJ 600 S (aka Seca II) by simply clicking on the tiny flag on the right side. -> www.600ccm.info - Saisonende 2012: Ab ins Winterquartier -> after clicking on the flag Once clicked you can visit all the other pages and the google translator will translate all of it. I have to wait until the 1st of april until I can ride again -> so I had some time to integrate that on my website. Greetings from Germany
Not new but with a new (used) Yamaha
One year has passed by so quickly. I am still riding the XJ 600 S. She took me to Austria (frequently ), Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Italy so far. Two pictures taken 3rd of october 2012: Greetings from Germany, Martin
Please help a german heavy metal band - if you like metal ;)
My ex-band "Headless Beast" have applied as an opener for a festival in the south of germany. It is well known, a few names who has played the stage over the last years: Deep Purple, Motörhead, Dio, Hammerfall, W.A.S.P., Pretty Maids, Scorpions, Demons & Wizards, Saxon, Rage, Dee Snider, Judas Priest, Savatage, Stratovarius, Megadeth, ... My friends in the band would be honored to play where those bands have played before. The voting takes place online and will run until midnight of the 14th. If you like "Headless Beast" -> please just vote. A little annoying: You must enter an e-mail address. There will be no spam, they just want to check that the voting is real and no one will vote more than one time. From the facebook page of the band: As an example of how they sound live: Greetings, Martin
1992 Diversion 600s
The oil light should come up when you turn the key on the position »ignition«. It will turn dark if there is enough oil - or if the sensor thinks that... You can see the oil through the glass? Then there should be enough inside of your XJ 600. Greetings, Martin
Not new but with a new (used) Yamaha
I would love to have the original look back. Just yellow (»reddish yellow coctail 1« - that's what Yamaha calls it). We will see. First the other stuff (no more rust, stainless steel break lines, etc.). Tears a little hole in my budget. Yes, the ybrfreun.de website is still online and will be online. I get a lot of visitors from all over the world. Also some nice e-mails from time to time telling me my text/pictures have been helpfull. But: Still no forum there. There are enough of them allready on the internet. Grüße, Martin
Not new but with a new (used) Yamaha
Hello! I just have noticed that I did not introduce myself while owning a YBR 125. So it's time to say hello after chainging the motorcycle. Since a few weeks the YBR 125 is gone. She's got replaced by a '95 XJ 600 S Diversion. The Diversion needs a lot of tlc. I bought her from the first owner and she was standing in a barn for the last 4 or 5 years, only being taken out for approx. 500 km - in those 4 or 5 years. Rust here, need of replacement of other parts there - but very cheap. Unfortunatly the previous owner was not only doing less in the last years - he was also doing a little too much in the first years. He took a brush and some red paint and made a very unique XJ 600 S out of her: Simply click on the pictures to enlarge them The last picture in the row is a german »Fahrzeugbrief«. Positive sideffect: It does not matter where I leave her and how many other motorcycles are around. I always see her on first sight. Another side effect: People tell me what comes to their head when they see her. A german parcelservice, a fast food franchise... And they suggest that if I will decide to offer her online I should take some more backlight pictures and use only them... The fight against the rust has already begun. I hope she will last some more years and will carry me around in the south of germany and other regions. Greetings, Martin
YBR 125 Air Box
Can you make a picture of the spot where you think something ist missing and post it? Greetings, Martin
125 lights are Rubbish.
Has the voltage been checked? Maybe the voltage regulator is defunct and the whole net gets more than 14 volts. That could be dangerous for the control unit, too. Have you bought cheap bulbs or brands? Greetings, Martin
125 lights are Rubbish.
Not necessary. The YBR 125 already runs on 12 volt - always. Greetings, Martin
125 lights are Rubbish.
@Jams: It should be socket BA20d. But I never bought a new bulb for the original headlight (switched to H4 headlight). I have read that it should be socket BA20d in a bulletin board. @Jams & Richard_ps3: I also had a flickering light. I dismantled the headlight, cleaned the contacts and put it back together. No flickering until I switched to the H4 headlight). Greetings, Martin
Ybr 125 5th gear problems
Has there been any accident? Does it slip out? Maybe the claws have been damaged somehow. Greetings, Martin
125 lights are Rubbish.
It can happen. Approx. 15'000 km with H4 (55/60) and original wiring -> no problems. It was not my YBR but the YBR of a german owner. So it seems to be okay. Like already mentioned I have used separate (new) wiring for my conversion to H4. Comment of a friend riding a FZ6: »A lot better than before«. Greetings, Martin
YBR 125 Lights
I have switched from the original romatic lighting ('05 YBR) to H4 like other owners in germany by changing the whole headlight. I am the only one (in the german ybr 125 bb), that changed the wiring as well. The others kept the original wiring - and everything worked well for over one year or more. The wiring and the switch seem to be able to handle the more amps well enough. About the alternator: I found a notice in a german bb that the alternator is large enough to have no problems with H4 55/60 or other bulbs with similar consumption. Some people have heated grips or use the bord system to load their navigation systems, mp3-players and cellphones while being on the road. I have switched the tail light from standard to LED - this also brought a small benefit of less power consumption. I have not experienced any problems with the battery while riding last year, the e-starter worked well all the time. In times of trouble my '05 also got the kick, but the '11 does not have a kick-starter any more? Greetings, Martin
125 lights are Rubbish.
That might be the Osram Haloroad aka BILUX-AS HALOROAD. But you have to check the socket first. The Haloroad is being sold for the socket P45t. Greetings, Martin
ybr 125 screen/ handguards
I have bought a cheap windscreen from Puig and cut of a little bit to match the headlight. www.ybrfreun.de - Puig Windshield Looks way better when the turn lights are also a little bit smaller and less amber. The screen was re-mounted some days after the picture was taken. Unfortunately I have not made a new picture with new turn signals and windscreen... Greetings, Martin
can i use fully synthetic oil in my yamaha YBR 125 ?
In the owner's manual should be a table what oil is suggested for your YBR. If you take the wrong (higher quality) your clutch may slip. If you do not have your manual at hand -> yamaha is so kind to put those up on their website als .pdf. Greetings, Martin
YBR stall's when it says its in neutral ?
How old is your oil? Many users wrote that shifting became better after the change of the oil. Greetings, Martin
YBR125, what am I missing
You are looking for the lock. You can get it at your local Yamaha dealer or as an used part from eBay, etc.. Greetings, Martin
Newbie on a Yamaha YBR125
It is never too late... I was riding 50 cc at the age of 18 (never owned one, rode the ones of friends after passing the test of my car license in germany). Back in 2009, aged 34 -> made the A1 license in Switzerland and bought a old Honda 125 cc scooter... Cheaper and also reliable (had about 20 km to work and back). Now another year has passed by - the first year with my YBR 125. I hope we will be able to see some pictures? Greetings from germany, Martin
YBR125, what am I missing
Simply buy the lock. It does not cost large amounts of money. But it ist also just a "little protection". It is not really a lock - you can open and close it with any key from Yamaha similar to the front tip of the YBR key... Greetings, Martin
YBR 125 Gear shifter adjustment
It is very easy to fix that. Had the same problem - with a size 8 boot. Set it up (two teeth) and now I can shift without any problems. More pictures and some text (in german, but easy to translate using the google translator - simply click on the union jack on the top of the page) available on my website: Adjust the YBR 125 shift lever. Greetings, Martin
125 lights are Rubbish.
I have found a notice in a german bulletin board that the alternator is specified with 115 W output - on a YBR 125 ED '07 (not a custom). But since almost everything is the same on all the YBRs (K, E, ED, G, etc.) i think it will be the same alternator in all models. Is ist necessary in UK that "everything that is mounted must work" or can you simply add the lights for the optics and use just one headlight? Greetings, Martin PS: If you would like to publish your work on your YBR -> i still got some space on my website. There is no YBR Custom so far, so it would fit in perfectly.