Everything posted by mozzy
Anyone near gloucestershire???
perserverance.............. nananana more like a fucking pussy
DT125R Ignition Keybarrel
so i am told the tzr 125 one has a different distance between the holes but as long as it gets one bolt in and the steering lock fits then go for it otherwise tzr 250 will fit to
Anyone near gloucestershire???
na got to be kronenbourg 1664 its a real mans drink strong tasty if there is no kronney stella will do
jon mate get a 240 in ther i kept checking my plug and didnt see no signs it just webt suddenly
DT125 Deristriction
they can rev right up to red line but like i said speeds and rev limited all depends on milage and engine condition fair play jon i told you it was worth it mate
Anyone near gloucestershire???
jon i would of but i aint got a new bike camping eh not in the same tent i hope sit around the camp fire with marshmallows and 20 cans of kronenbourg
it also depends on the condition of the engine i know they are 11 bhp i think standard so 18 is about right i would open the valve all the way up and piss off the kmx owners and also those 18 year olds who just passed there a1 and got a cb250 superdream a tuned dt leaves those for dust
DT125R Ignition Keybarrel
the good thing with dts they are cheap to get parts for if remember rightly my ignition barrel was £28.50 with 2 keys my head light cowell from yamaha main dealers was £16 so cheap enough
DT125R Ignition Keybarrel
on the dtrs mate all the ignition barrels are the same and so is the tzr 250 also what i cant understand is why do they damage it so much cause on your dt there is a black and white wire behind the head light and if u are good u can hook it from behind by the yolk then cut that one wire and hey presto why i do on all bikes i had is put a switch under neath the tank just in reaching distance to immobilise
its me
different number plates are also great for speed cameras to lol welcome mate
either what alex said or the mot testers descrestion some testers let silly things like that go and some are right buggers
The Big Meet!
its excellent in their what i like about it is they dont mix the bikes mopeds are down stairs and biguns are upstairs you have different sections for the bikes to yamaha in one corner suziki in another etc etc so you only look at what you want to look at no pissing around with junk
The Big Meet!
unmutual trust me mate fowlers is amazing now its huge theyve got the upstairs open and on the 3rd floor youve got a restaurant it absolutley it has got to be one of the biggest bike shops in the uk at least 1500 bikes in there when you come down let me know and we could meet up i only live 5 mins away
The Big Meet!
very long runway and large taxiing lanes its really cool over yhere
The Big Meet!
u should come to bristol we have an old airport whitchurch thats where all the off roaders go and they have a bloody huge runway to
New member, old biker !
and don if you need any spares for your dtr i can get them cheap a freind of mine breaks dtrs
New member, old biker !
them tdrs aree fucking amazing i cant wait to get my hands on one any idea what a front fairing costs approx on a tdr 125
- The Big Meet!
My R6 and friends..+New addition :)
when i go to fowlers in bristol the staff either point you towards the cheaper bikes or try putting you off they say bad things about even the best bikes on the market and when you ask them what they drive they say a yamaha aerox 20 or a vespa px 125 so i leaent to go with my own instincts now i tell the sells men to bugger off il decide on my own
My R6 and friends..+New addition :)
rather you than me skyline
my new dt
ive changed my mind and decided to stick to 125 until i got some more no claims bonus
my new dt
i done my cbt then a month later i done the one that restricts me to 33 bhp so thats called a1 oppps i told my insurance company it was das oh well
my new dt
the r6 im looking at is a 2002 model the insurance is £1550 tpft but i think its worth it for an nice bike like that and alex dont forget im 19 in 2 weeks havent you got to be like 21 to drive above 33 bhp beezkneez i know theres nothing wrong with the exup i was trying to wind you up i hate it when someone whos never met me says"in your dreams" ask anyone who knows properley i dont mess around if i see something i want i will save to max to try and get it by the way if i do get the r6 there is no way on this earth it will stay at 33bhp i will get it insured and stuff and derestrrict the bastard how is a r6 restricted
my new dt
whats a matter are you jealous i work my bollocks off for my money so my money is not for dreams its for reality u can pick a 99+ up now from around 3k approx and lets face it in reality 3k is pennies beezkneez everyone starts somewhere mate and in my eyes an r6 aint good enough i will keep the r6 about to years then upgrade to r1 all the while u will be driving a hickup opps sorry i mean exup
my new dt
hey beezkneez why in my dreams i can afford the bike just saving for another 2 months for insurance and as long as i get it restricted to 33 bhp at first i will be fine