Everything posted by mozzy
xt 500
i want one http://www.dhales.co.uk/cgi-bin/osa/ViewPa...emNumber=538958
removing tyres (urgent plz :))
every time i go to a garage be it car or motorbike i always go to the dodgiest looking guy in there and offer cash and u would be surprised how dodgy knobs u get in those places when i worked in autospeed my best mate was manager his car had a new exhaust and tyres every week every puntcure we do was cash so we used to tell the customers the card reader has packed up tracking was the same so was balancing we used to walk back home at the end of the day with wedges of cash amd as u can imagine i loved saturdays the only time i hated it was when the area manager came round at first i thought what a wanker until one day he took £20 out the the till and sent me to kfc to get dinner on behalf of the company so as u can imagine i was obliged..................................... :cry:
Devils Bridge
and im doing 24 miles to fucking work and back
Ymaha TZR-R
ah see u learn something everyday in this place my pld e reg tzr was a nice machine although i gave £30 for it with a fucked piston and sold it for £80 with a fucked piston i was really annoyed when i realised it wasnt a big job to get a piston put in there [this was a few years back] that was blue and yellow and was also the full fairing now i see the tosser i sold it to driving round on it all the time
cant afford it at the moment i just forked out £1133 for my car insurance the guy who is flogging is my ex driving instructor he is not in a hurry to sell it either its not advertised or nothing he just mentioned so i blagged him and said it aint worth much cause its an import but give it a couple of weeks i may be interested
- Yamaha
Ymaha TZR-R
dont hold me to this but someone told me the tzr-r only came in the form of an import so if thats true be very careful cause u will probably find a few hidden chaeges
Why so few Shaft Drives?
that old xs 750 hardtail chopper thats in my mums back garden is shaft drive by the way if anyone wants it its for sale for 1500 quid but i think pete will take a grand cause he is skint
WD40 Rules!!
no the best way is behind her so u dont have to look at that stupid face she makes when she comes.................... :x
The Big Meet!
my rusty old escort with its crappy steel wheels bald tyres nice quiet engine but way under powered 0-60 in a month but hey its better than walking im not aloud to use the megane scenic for work it gets to dirty fucking women never stop moaning
i want to go bigger but not sure yet been offered a bandit 400 import but still deciding i suppose i could get yam stickers all over it
WD40 Rules!!
jon guess who can have a bit whenever he likes and dosent have to lie on me back and let her get on top because im a lardy assed monkey pmsl only joking
OH SHIT :!: BIG £££££
jon ring jerry my freind that bought your tdr he will probablly have one of them
a bike for each task
dont you mean yzF yz r 2 stroke and yzf are 4 stroke
The Big Meet!
fuck that il take my car i could carry your gear then and i will have a heater and a nice comfy seat to sit in and a radio
WD40 Rules!!
jon i bet u are single im the guy who is engaged to a female
unmutual gets the dt running......
pmsl :shock:
WD40 Rules!!
my mums tele stopped working once so she took the back off and sprayed wd40 in there its still going strong
still saving and looking
why do you own a yam?
i prefer yams because they look good reliable and they have alot of street cred face it buy a suzi ts125r abd you are a prick buy a honda xl 125r and you are a prick buy a kwak kmx125 and you are getting there buy a yam dt125r and that makes you the daddy catch my drift
jon now you wanna upgrade that jet get a nice k&n filter cause your bike will be farting lovely but will want to breathe properley maybe mixing and matching sprockets can give you more top end set of reeds will give a smoother throttle response get it ported and i heard uprated piistons,conrods,bigend and smallend bearings make a nice improvement i seen your old tdr the other day fuck me jon what a dog that is
DT125R Ignition Keybarrel
on my first dtr i had that that problem it was the charging stator coil but i just left it and charged the battery once a week
brake bleeding
yeah that works brilliantly its the clean and easy way
HEY EVER1!! I`M BAK AND IN PAIN!AND ONLY 14 well nerly 15
top ger 5th u aint telling us porkies now are you cause a dtr 125 is a 6 speed