Everything posted by mozzy
Rounded Allen bolt!
first of all i would try mole grips
Am i annoyed or what!
mine use my cae as a rubbish bin
RAMMED by a car!
Whats the difference? DT125R/DT125LC
the 1989 is a dt125r they are tall and groovy looking the lc is older and smaller
What does you parents think?
i dont get on with my dad and he lives in glastonbury so no worrys there and my mum well some of you will like this one she did her cbt test and passed yesterday so she was out on her little vespa px 125 which is brand new straight from the showroom and only cost a grand cause it has got the name badge of a company called LML but the logbook says vespa and so sooes the tax and so does the engine come to think of it it is all vespa apart from the badge but i should imagine its an indian built one but hey who cares my 42 year old 19 stone mother rides a vespa her and fred her boyfreind are members of the skinhead scooter club
2003 model DTR125
tark i spoke to yamaha about electric start and it wasnt an option to have electric start you can make them electric by taking the starter and bits off a certain model and will straight on yamaha didnt give the option
TZR250 question
I WAS TOLD THAT WAS WHAT WAS IN MINE BUT I DONT SEE HOW IT CAN AFFECT PERFORMANCE billy u are getting boring now can u fuck off now you are getting boring looking at my mates dt yesterday and to put a kx 250 lump in a dt then you wouldnt hav any frame left so fahook orf
MulletFest comes to town......
and even making jokes about crude shit like that is worse
Offroad Disaster!
how old are you 12 grow up and fuck off u childish prick you probably couldnt handle a fooking goped
Good road tyres for the DT
i think those tyres look class on ther to
Good road tyres for the DT
http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=30 that is my first dt it had trail tyres and they didnt handle http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=35 this is my second dt it had trail tyres and didnt handle http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=36 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=37 these two are my last dt and those are the avon gripsters on there
MulletFest comes to town......
i think you have got a few issues peter you are the only person who brings up pooftahs after they are gone and forgotten personally i think you are jealous cause they wanted me and not you its ok though mate you can have them im happy with my FIANCE AND THE KIDS i am extremely homophobic but i dont want to think about ass shagging 24/7 i think you should try it to calm your curiosity and get yourself a bloke you no what they say the one who dosent shut up about it is probably a battyboy hiself or is it cause you are welsh
MulletFest comes to town......
i had my haircut yesterday bloody £6.75 what a bleedin rip off
Good road tyres for the DT
proper roadf tyres looked smart on my bike i thought they were better at everything if u are not going to use it off road then i would put proper grippy road tyres on it and it will be like driving a different machine
Good road tyres for the DT
what do you want road tyres or teail tyres
castle coombe jap fest
sorry i meant your hand bag :oops:
2003 model DTR125
04 has leccy start yes the power valve can be opened just remove the servo they are exectly the same engine throughout the range
Good road tyres for the DT
i found avon gripsters to be the best they stuck to the road like shit to a blanket
front wheel judder
if that dont work find a garage with a motorbike wheel balancer
oil light
ginger minge they should go off when you put it in gear if they nit it will be a loose connection or faulty sender or more in depth oil problems
castle coombe jap fest
dick hartz whats your address il come round for a pounding me pounding your fucking head to a pulp you dirty uphill gardener so what u gonna do hit me with my handbag :evil:
castle coombe jap fest
i was joking guys kick boxing u must be having a laugh that uses up to much energy just trying to get rid of the knob jokey
oil light
all 3 of my dtrs done that
DT...cornering??...takes the mick
i came off my cg 125 in a petrol station i dont know y but i was showing off in front of a few girls then hit a patch of deisel no damaga though
castle coombe jap fest
http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=38 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=39 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=40 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=41 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=42 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=43 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=44 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=45 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=46 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=47 http://groups.msn.com/yammydtr125/shoebox....hoto&PhotoID=48 here they are sorry about the quality i forgot the digicam so i bought a crappy disposable