Everything posted by mozzy
Just for Yammie
ive taken a liking to your xt :twisted:
Me's goin' oot tae play
i forgotten what we were chatin about now
Alan's a Jock.....
i got the glastonbury accent alan its fekin terrible i hate it it ... pete st george is better than easton but u will be hard pushed to find a area in bristol which aint a shit hole
Late Breaking News from France!
I just hate the government even more!!!
a frog leg eating maid :oops: i know i have a brainwave alex lets vote blair out you can prime minister and will be your party we could change the uk forever free fuel free prostitutes no road tax no insurance and half price mars bars :wink:
- Twins
XT update!
pete i love your xt mate and call me sad if you like but i had them on my dt and i think it all sdds too the style is that back rack i reckon it looks well groovy
12 Days to go!
alex will you be stopping in a couple of internet cafes because you are the daddy and we need you. ps can you bring me back som tobacco have a great time mate
1st bike?
the only two there tahat are worth having because they are well known names are just yamaha and peugeot and i still wouldnt go on the peugeot the aprillias are shite in 50 form and the rest are foriegn crap i know some of them have yammie motors in them but it its chepley put together imports
1st bike?
the new tzr50 is a little r6 very nice looking bike
Just for Yammie
at least mine is standard i wa sdriving my mate upto wiltshire yesterday to pick up another escort believe it or not but this one was a p reg in mint condition with a mint engine fsh all the bollox the guy that owned it died so we got it cheap but besides that whilst on my way down i seen a burgundy "kia mentor" it had 5 spoke wheel trims a subaru spoiler glossed purple and not bolted on properley and this is gods honest truth he had a paint can stuck around his tail pipe tolook like a big bore all i could do was laugh i believe the expression is SHONKY TRUMPS
Just Reminding you :)
and drugs are nothing to be proud of
Just Reminding you :)
are you feckin bent we already got rid of two nob jokeys dont u turn into one for fuck sake
Dykes on Bikes?
yeah i have lesbian tendancies.........
where is Mozzy
thankx alan very nice compliment so yammie when do you wanna meat for a kinky shag fest
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i stillswear to this day that i am going to marry her
Why women have 2 hands Why men have 2 hands
feckin classic that mate very good
Alan's a Jock.....
and dont take this the wrong way but i absolutley hate the scottish accent its kinda is stupid sounding as the brummies. my favourite accent is the geordies....... then again my accent isnt to clever the old somerset farmer accent
Alan's a Jock.....
i like it how the welh say "seeeeeee" and buddy everytime one of the welsh n work say it i crack up
My Motorcycle Theory Test
mmake sure you take test within two years otherwise you will have to resit your theory and hazard perception test anyway congratulations
Me's goin' oot tae play
im not telling you my name yammiebaby you will laugh lets just say i am engaged to a 35 yo woman and we have two kids i am in the last year of my teens god i fukin love older women
- Twins
Woman's horror at the build quality of her new Suzuki!
we dont wish to know what you get up to in your spare time........... whatever turns u on
I just hate the government even more!!!
i will higher a uniform if you will dress up as a french mad :wink:
Just for Yammie
its ok its metallic burgundy looks rather ummmmmmmm shite atcheley but it has reclining seats :wink: and a big tourquey engine for such a small car and its not my permanent car its a temporary workhouse