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Everything posted by mozzy

  1. mozzy replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    sorry pete im a ladies man.......... i wonder if the saying is true the more you critiscise the arse bandits eventually you will turn to be one pete i reckon you was just trying to find out for yourself
  2. mozzy replied to paul's post in a topic in The Bar
    sorry to tell you this paul but i heard that wednesday and on friday it was on the front page of the star and in just about every newspaper with a jokes column :roll:
  3. mozzy replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in General
    jesus pete you can spell to
  4. mozzy replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in Yamabyss
  5. mozzy replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
  6. mozzy replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
  7. mozzy replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    this site was gray as far back as i can remember long before most of you lot joined
  8. mozzy replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    pete if you know any germans ask them to say squirrel
  9. skyline so are you gonna join the battyboy forum next
  10. mozzy replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    if we wanted your opinion we would look down the toilet :roll: only joking i hink the new template is much better the last one was swag :shock:
  11. mozzy replied to DT_125R's post in a topic in General
    number1 cold start is a heroin to engines after a while you motor wont run without it number2 i wouldnt entertain putting it in a 2 stroke through of fucking the engine right up number3 never putcold start in a deisel engine as they womt last five mins beyond the first 3-4 times a guy in work blew his van engine up using it i put it n my mates mondeo turbo deisel and until its started the engine makes a terrible banging noise. all three of my dt125r started second kick guaranteed in all weather but 99% 0f the time it started first kick but easy start is a bigg nono
  12. has it fuck i know for a fact that thenew dt125re hasnt got a rev counter cause i have pictures on my phone of one from fowlers and there is definetley not a rev counter. it has noe kickstart and is so ugly compared to the last one and they are stupidly slow 58mph standard only upgrades really available is exaust etc so not as good as the last one
  13. mozzy replied to R1caz's post in a topic in General
    and to stop your visor steaming up get a cloth and put a lil bit of washing up liquid on it and wipe into the inside of your visor until the smears have gone i thought it was brilliant
  14. pmsl
  15. ok right im going now :shock:
  16. mozzy replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in General
    i reckon that shitziki gs500 is fukin ugly i wouldnt want one if you offered it to me fr free any one who has a problem deciding between that and a r6 need shooting as when i think of a r6 i get wood and cant think of nothing else for exactly 9mins and 23 secs to be precise then i get the tissue a quick wipe clean then well then then then then then oops sorry getting carried away ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh thats better :twisted:
  17. do you lot know im not in to lesbians its ok to look at pics and and fantasise but in reality and im not afraid to admit it i wouldnt know what to do with my self and pete no commets from you thank you sir and yammie baby do you fancy some oral sex :wink:
  18. ok guys dont cry i am gonna get a bike in a few months but you have to understand i love bikes and cars its a health condition i was born with jesus i was driving illegally from the age of 14 til late last year
  19. dont even go there im not a boy racer i am sensible until i see another car like mine and i have to prove a point.... ok i lied i wont race its only a bleedin xr3i engine not a subaru
  20. sorry i cant im devoted to yammiegirl :wink:
  21. mozzy replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    dont like tattoos dont want a tattoo i think they are cheap look and ugly HAS ANY ONE GOT ANY PEIRCINGS lets just say theres a bit of hair around one of mine
  22. mozzy replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    no just keep your legs crossed
  23. but i was board the other day and got a quote off my insurance co,[any on my mates escort cabriolet and it was only £125 dearer then my fiesta the escort has a ful rs kit electric everything including roof 16 inch alloys a stage 1 engine tune twin upswept dtm exhaust rst recaro interior k&n filter big brakes cleae lights spoiler etc............. so i am either buy his or one very similar......... sorry pete i will get anothe bike next i promise
  24. mozzy replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    for example my old escort if i ere to sell it with the probs it had i would have only got £50 max for it i gave the carto my brother in law who broke it here what the parts went for engine £60 gearbox £40 doors£20 each wheels and tyres£50 the lot fusebax £45 interior£35 ecu £20 you get my drift
  25. mozzy replied to skyline's post in a topic in The Bar
    fair play mate