Everything posted by mozzy
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
or i would consider a swap for a dt125r or similar, theres only so much my missus needs to know about lol
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
ive decided to sell it as moving home and need every penny we can get for deposit , gutted but needs must and a first house purchase is a pretty big thing.
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
quadzilla are made by smc (standard motor company) a taiwanese, not quite jap but alot better than the chinese stuff, there quads are very very well built compared to most and are highly functional compared to the fancy looking chinese ones, ive had 3 road legal quads now, first was a 250 superdream powered quadzilla great fun and great starting point, then had a honda trx300, got bored then did the 500 project, i initially fitted a dominator 650 engine, which was an absolute weapon, the torque was to much though and it kept twisting rear axles, it would pull 130 mph which when you think a raptor 700 wont even do 100 is pretty impressive so when the dom engine went pop i slipped a cb500 twin in, will dow app 105 mph, 0-60 around 5 seconds, and fixed rear axle so a bit of a drift machine....ive had hundreds, literally hundreds of people that have never even sat on a quad say " quads are dangerous, they tip over" not once have i ever even come close to tipping over on one, as long as you shift your weight about when cornering they are perfectly safe, although the snappy handling can be a little harsh on the inexperienced. i quite fancy a road legal buggy, i had a joyner 650 a few years back, i mounted a saab turbo to it, but that one was off road only, i own 27 acres of land (currently totally under water in the disaterous somerset terrain, not good here at the moment) so get to have alot of boys toys to play on, also have a 17 foot speed boat with a fiesta rs turbo engine powering it, although its not as fast as youd expect, 55 mph flat out, that was was taken after a friend bought a car off me and as he was a friend i allowed him to pay in instalments, but he never did so got the boat off him as a compromise.
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
i dont have a full bike license so the dt is out of the question,.... the xt will never set the world alight but it will never lose value either, so its an investment, i upped it to a 120 main jet and got a smaller front sprocket , and now still, pulls around 75 mph, but it does not seem to scream so much now, it cruises at 70 at app 5000 rpm where as before it was 6000 rpm, and tops around 75 mph, not amazing i know but for a 31 year old bike im happy....the jet on its own made it pull better, airhead, im a mechanical engineer so i know the the physical side of it, the bhp is immaterial to me, although i was ooffered a old xt250 engine for £200 which could be worthwhile, but i want to keep it as original as possible. i also have a quadzilla stinger road legal quad (not a jap machine but not chinese so not all bad) it looks great i have fitted a honda 500 twin which is the toy, its a drift machine. the xt125 is for traffic dodging lol. i did discover today after it started running poorly that the tank is full of rust flakes so the next task is top clean that any tips on cleaning the tank, i was going to put a load of bolts in the tank and shake it a bit ???
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
id rather the 4 stroke for the 30 mile commute, did the 2 stroke things years ago, to lary for me lol.....a friend has a lovely 79 dt250mx for sle, £900 was tempted with that but to be honest, the xt is to clean to consider selling...just trying to find info on upjetting but nothing about
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
more pics
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
its probably the best deal ever, as in it is absolutly immaculate throughout, one minor mark on fuel tank that is it. in for mot yesterday, now bear in mind it had not turned a wheel since 1998, i changed oil, plug, fresh fuel and a carb clean, took for mot, the testers jaw hit the floor, he fell in love with it, passed the mot, straight out, no advisories, and when i got there he had written a check for £ 1750 and was trying to get me to sell to him, naturally i thought about it, but its just to good to sell on at the moment, i want to enjoy my time with it, i have booked a cbt test for 21st feb, insured for £53 a year lol, taxed for £17, now its a case of doing cbt, then enjoy it. its not the fastest thing on the road, tops out around 70mph, which is more than enough for pottering about on, but if i commute with it, id like a little more (so im not near full throttle at 60 mph), whats the easiest way without getting silly can i loosen it up a little, i was thinking maybe upjetting it, i dont want to shy away from the originality, i wont change the exhaust as the original is to good to remove, jets can be easily replaced to standard if i do ever sell it , i would swap for a tdr 125 or xl125 varadero but it would have to be good. thanks for the welcome back guys. tom
back after 10 years with a 31 year old XT
hi guys and gals, long time no speak, just treated myself to a mint condition 1983 xt125, super excited about using the old girl these pics are one off ebay and other two in my garage, i will get better pics tomorrow, taking her to my workshop for and get it booked for mot . im still speechless to think i just got this for 350 beer notes... an absolute steal, especiaslly as i seen a resto project go on ebay in terrible condition for 900 last week. the seller was absolute gutted, his fault for listing just as a "motorbike" on ebay lol, i wasnt looking, found it totally by accident. best accident ever i think
not a yamaha but advice needed on VOR EN 530
thats the issue, the only parts on ebay are ebay lol
not a yamaha but advice needed on VOR EN 530
na, its far from nicked, im not an idiot lol, its a farmer friend, he bought it as a farm bike 8 years ago but it was to powerful for him, hes had it sat for 7 years unused so will need carb cleaened and tank drained etc, its £550 to me £900 to anyone else, but what im asking is does anyone know anything about them, im a plant mechanic so the mechanical side of it is fine, i can sort any probs, but there is limited info on the web about them, and i dont wanna get it and not be able to sell it on. all the its stolen rubbish is not needed, im well clued up in all that stuff lol, thanks for the concerns though lol
not a yamaha but advice needed on VOR EN 530
Hi there, Im tom, i was a regular back in 2003/4 but soon got bored of biking, im here today hopefully for some advice, I have a 1976 land rover 109 pick up, which im selling for £550 as a resto project, I have just been offered to swap it for a motorcross bike, something im told is rare and bloody quick, a VOR EN530, its a 2003 model, had no more than 10 hours use since new, garaged since 2006) it does run and ride etc, is it worth the hassle, anyone know anything about these bikes, any info greatfully recieved tom
old member back for advice hopefully
Hi there, Im tom, i was a regular back in 2003/4 but soon got bored of biking, im here today hopefully for some advice, I have a 1976 land rover 109 pick up, which im selling for £550 as a resto project, I have just been offered to swap it for a motorcross bike, something im told is rare and bloody quick, a VOR EN530, its a 2003 model, had no more than 10 hours use since new, garaged since 2006) it does run and ride etc, is it worth the hassle, anyone know anything about these bikes, any info greatfully recieved tom
Guess who's still alive....me info needed on quad bike laws to
yes many moons ago i spent alot of time on here, then got my car license and gave up biking
Guess who's still alive....me info needed on quad bike laws to
Hiya peeps, long time no speak, how is everyone doing. is pete still about and alex etc, been a couple years since my last appearence, well alot has changed, i am now settled and living back in my home town of glastonbury, engaged to be married to the love of my life, have a 2 year old daughter called Amelia all is doing well, i am now an operations manager etc question i have is my father in law has some chinese shit quad bike, a 110 clunk engined chinese made one, it has indicators and a brake light but no reg plate or v5, he has offered to give me it for nothing and i decided i will have it if i can make it road legal for fun really and maybe for commuting on, can i find reg no from vin, if its not registered, how do i go about getting it registered and how much does this cost etc obviously he has no v5, it was bought a couple years back from a farmer. any info on how to get it road legal would be good, also am i right in thinking i just need my car license to ride it thanks Tom
- howdy
- howdy
- howdy
Got out at last!
pete i know its a year away mate be i am coming to shitty benidorm next year, booking iot in 2 weeks so i will give you dates and we can go for a beer if you want
Got out at last!
so they all gone and left us (says me the great deserter lol).
Got out at last!
pete is definatly not gay - gay people dont move to spain. they stay in wales
Got out at last!
there has alwAys been some sad cocksuckers on here lol how is that brighton bred faggot doing these days how come my post count has gone down i used to have well over 1000 hits and bad news my end pete, gearbox gone in my car, costing me £1000 + and no i will not spend that on a bike, i like my heaters to much lol.
Got out at last!
pete i love them bikes, just a shame its being riden by a welshman how ya doing mate
have a look at my post in for sale section
all i know about the bike is what on the ebay page mate.
- have a look at my post in for sale section
- guess what