Everything posted by devildfor
scot oiler help
cheers chaps mind at rest now .... for a while, sunday 2moz,( he he) i feel a squtch comin on
Bike Stolen :(
sorry to hear about yer bike and I LOVE THIS RESPONSE BULLDOG maybe if this was to happen theivin little tw*ts would think twice hopin you get it back daz b
- scot oiler help
scot oiler help
hi guys me again n now needin a bit of advice the bike i recently got ( 1st bike) a r6 on a t plate has a scott oiler on it now am i right in sayin this was a after thought or do they come outa factory with 1 .............. i decided to go to yamaha today to get the price for the 24000 service and apart from nearly being raped of 300 notes the nice bastard told me it was wired up wrong with the drip end ( ha ha ) on the top chain going to the front sprocket , not the bottom run going to the rear sprocket but the nice bastard told me how to re route this and so i did ........... whilst re routing the feeder pipe i noticed it had no oil in it so filled up the res with the scotoiler he had given me and the resivoir has a bastard crack in it so oil seeping under rear seat cleaned up and have removed it ................ now for the questions ............. 1 is my bike ok to run without this ... obviously its been running for a week now with no oil going onto th chain 2 how do i compensate this , by applying it by hand or somthing til i get a new resivoir 3 how much approx are new scottoilers cheers and thanx devildfor daz b
bined my bike yesterday :/
glad to hear your ok matey love wot yer doin to yer bike looks really nice be cool an ride safe daz b
Hot Date gone wrong!
love it
anyone else hate driving?
i ve only just got my bike and ive ditched my tranny van to ride to work everyday , its only been 1 week now and have rode in the rain and still love it , its just like you say the freedom of it just puts a smile on my soaked face ( quite a regular experience riding to manchester everyday )its also knocked 10 mins off my journey zippin through the traffic I LOVE IT lol suckers sat there in their tin boxes ha ha anyway i suppose that will all change wen winter rears its head........ doh time to be another sheep.........anyway be cool ride safe an take care daz b
yzf750r,, what you think???
i like it matey how long it take you to do
Another newbie
a quick hello to another new member like myself have fun
a quick hello
thanx for your replys and lovin it everyday love the response RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT lol
a quick hello
i have just joined today and am impressed with everything and everyone on this site i have recently passed my bike test and also did my advanced diamond test ,shortly after this i bought a 99 t reg yam r6 ( alot of bike ) i have been riding it to work and everyday it does something to surprise me . at work we have a large yard as to which is about 600 meters to the security lodge excelerating very hard i think i have had my first tank slappin session today my own fault was showing off but nether or less i am loving this machine i have a couple off questions though my bikes done 22800 miles is there owt i need to be getting checked owt rear sprockett is fine and the bike has been well looked after not a mark on it .........my pal who has been biking for years says its imaculate but he has a mille so his is always breaking down and i was wondering was there anything im missing that should just get sum 1 to check over or have i just answered my own question looking forward to all your responses , wont be offended if there isnt any lol cheers daz b devildfor