Everything posted by alexdc03
cam chain adjustment
The cam chain adjuster on my '84 xs400 maxim just has 1 bolt in the center of the adjuster, how does this style work to adjust the chain? Is it automatic or do I need to loosen the center bolt for it to snug up? While adjusting my valves I noticed some extra play in the chain but the manual doesn't decribe how to adjust it.
Valve clerance good but still noisy
So both exhaust vavles are at the limit of .08mm, looks like I'll need to re-shim them both up one number. Left side was a 260 and right a 265. That would explain the loudness during the warm up. Now to look at the timing chain for play amount and how to retension.
How to adjust timing chain '84 x400 maxim
Since my manual doesn't describe any way to adjust the timing chain I am wondering if someone here knows? I see the adjuster on the cylinder but I don't want to loosen it until I know what will happens. Thanks
Valve clerance good but still noisy
I am using 20w-50 castrol motorcycle oil. I will re-do the timing making sure I line up the RT - LT marks, I can't say forsure I had them lined up or not.
Valve clerance good but still noisy
So I have pulled the valve cover and measured the clerance of the valves on my '84 xs400 maxim, only 1 intake was out of spec. I changed the intake shim and now it good but the exhaust valves are very noisy during warm up and not so bad once hot. You can still hear them tap even hot. So how could they be so noisy but still be in spec? I am taking my measurement when the lobe is directly opposite the shim.
what model card
I am trying to find the model of the carb used on my '84 xs400 maxim? I know they are made by Mikuni but I don't know the model number. Thanks
valve adjustment
So it's time to adjust my valves, where's a good place to get the tool that holds down the spring and also where to get the shims? My other bikes have screw/nut design valves so this shim stuff is new to me. Thanks
carb problem
edit..... just noticed you said one carb
swing arm - rear shock lower pivot pin
I kind of forgot that part, it's a 1984 xs400 maxim. Thanks
swing arm - rear shock lower pivot pin
Should this have any free play in it? When the bike is on the center stand and lift the rear wheel I can get some free play in the lower shock pivot pin. I have no idea if this is normal since my RZ and Ninja use a nut & bolt to connect the pieces together. Thanks
float height settings
Anyone know the float hieght settings for a '84 XS400 Maxim? One side is 20mm and the other is 22mm but the manual wants to use an external method to measure, problem being I don't have the float nipples to test from on the bowls. Thanks