Everything posted by alpine-star
Passed test
Well done on passing your test, enjoy and be careful out there
Tyre Pressure
Thanks for the replies Re: tyre pressure and Keef and Andy
Tyre Pressure
Cheers Mervin, may I ask why there is no Keef or Andy? was Keef bad
RD 350 LC
Welcome to the forum and enjoy sorting and riding your stroker
Tyre Pressure
Hi Jim, it is pre divvy mate XJ900
Tyre Pressure
G'day good people of the Yamaha forum I was just wondering what is the correct tyre pressure for my XJ900, I've been riding for many years but untill NOW I have never really needed to check the pressure due to never needing to check (something wrong there I know) Is there a web site where you can put in bike details and info is available? Please don't flame me for being a bad bad biker, unless the reply comes from Scott (USA) , Andy (Scotland) or KEEF (Aircooled land) Thanks in advance for any replies
thanks for nothing guys
I glad he didn't ask me a question, who would have fucking hung himself as I've been away from the forum for 6 bloody years, I've come back because I have some good friends on this forum from the good old days (there all old and grey now though)
Oldie but still a newbie ? (work that out)
Well after being away from the forum for around 6 years I have ventured back to say hello to you all, Scott, Keef, Andy, Mark and Nacho (pebbles) he'll understand. I'm back on two wheel in the form of a XJ900, all ready to use around France and Belgium looking forward to reading through a few of the posts on the forum. It's good to be back P.S forgot to say Hi to the boss Alex, I take it he's still in charge
New Territory!
Hi Scott, how are things with you my friend. You will notice I have done the right thing and my avatar now fits a person with a Suzu........Suzu......Suzuki (anything other than Yamaha is a swear word round here) I am a Suzuki owner
New Territory!
Are Ex Hon*a kawasaki Yamaha owners welcome, even though I now ride a S---S----S----Suzuki Just Asking P.S shit, can't belive I'm posting in the fucking forum, I should be riding my bike. Something wrong here
Alpine-Star Ditched it !
I'm trying to take it easy Beezkneez but my bike keeps calling me, wish the bloody wife would I'm off for another ride later, and should be able to post a few pictures if all goes to plan Cheers Alex
Alpine-Star Ditched it !
I was going to have one Keef mate but I thought NO Plus My bike should go faster now as I weigh less, COOOOOOL
Alpine-Star Ditched it !
Boo Hello every one, I'm still here. The bike is back on the road and I'm having fun again. Sorry I haven't been around much but have bike, have fun Except when I'm falling off that is (shit) I've just been out and seen RDLy (keef) for a coffee and a chat. I'll try be around a bit more but with all this nice weather it may not be alot, when winter comes along again and it's cold and bloody wet I'll be about a bit more. Cheers Alex EX-Moderator P.S well done to Beezkneez for becoming a Moderator
Bandit is home :-)
Alex, it's a 2001 Y plate mate. The wife is happy because I now just have one bike as all the others have gone. I've gone from five bikes to one, but it's a good one Edited by me to change the year of the bike? it's a 2001 model, not 2000
Bandit is home :-)
Picked it up at 1 O'clock and took a nice ride home through the lanes, sweet as a nut. Here's a picture for you to nose at
what we all look like?!!
Same here PMSL
what we all look like?!!
Ok, here is one of me You can see why I'm called Herman Munster. 6ft 2" and 17 stone (big Boned :wink: ask the wife :wink: )
I just hate the government even more!!!
Cheers mate, I have voted NO Maybe we should all just give the wanker government all our money now and be fucking done with it. The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers The Goverment = Wankers
I just hate the government even more!!!
No1, please delete this post and do it again as I fucked up :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
I just hate the government even more!!!
FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Wrong fucking button, should have said Noooooo
Misc. Yama Pics.....
Any further over and he'll be kissing the black stuff
found the knocking noise!
That's just the right smiley for this thread Scott
found the knocking noise!
That's well past it best isn't it
I think the hose pipe is worth more than the RD, at least it bloody works LOL
A bike in bit's, now I can relate to that. I've been doing my RD250E up for some time now, getting there slowly. My bike as it stands now