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Everything posted by neiltnt1973

  1. all sorted, pod filter fitted, jetting seems ok. lot of induction noise though!!!! thanks for the help guys.
  2. great, got a ramair filter ordered, will let you know how it goes!!!!! also was looking at getting another 175 ported, Mick Abbey is not to far from me and ive heard some good things. has anyone on here had any experience of him?. thanks
  3. great, thanks for that, will the main jet need changing to compensate for the pod filter? guess I will just have to see how it runs eh.
  4. thanks Cynic, is the pilot jet removable in these carbs so it can be cleaned? if so where is it ?!!! you say on a length of pipe, what like plumbing pipe? and you say a pod filter on the end, like a ramair filter? thanks
  5. Hi Guys, I have rescued a NVT rambler out the back of a wood mill, this uses an dt175mx engine, but guess you all know that!! needless to say the carb was gummed up good. I have cleaned it best I can and the bike runs, but only smoothly on half to full throttle, less than that and it bogs down. am I right in thinking the pilot jet controls the fuelling at this throttle setting? could it be this that needs cleaning some more? if so were is it in the carb? also I do not have any air filter on it, there is no air box. I have been trying to get it going on an open carb. will this cause the low rpm running issues? as the air boxes are unobtainable what can I use to filter the air? apart from the K N route? can I rig anything up that would cost pennies as I am only going to be using it as a field bike? thanks
  6. neiltnt1973 replied to neiltnt1973's post in a topic in Classics
    right ill have a go and let you know how it goes, thanks very much. field bike? yeh i know its a bit of sacrilege, ive got one in good nick and on the road and this one was bought as a dog with the intention of restoring but times and finances change, I wont totally wreck it, maybe one day it will get back on the road.
  7. neiltnt1973 replied to neiltnt1973's post in a topic in Classics
    Had a look at it over the weekend and iam even more confused! Right here goes, there are two wires coming from the kill switch, one black, one black and white, this one runs to the cdi, but the black goes nowhere. there are six wires coming out the engine, four wires, the black, white and red, red and the brown run to the cdi. two wires, the yellow and green and white go nowhere, where should these go? an orange wire runs from the cdi to the coil but a black wire runs from the cdi to nowhere, again where should this go? I hope this makes sence, thanks
  8. neiltnt1973 replied to neiltnt1973's post in a topic in Classics
    Mmmm I would leave it as is, but its already very mutilated. so from what you say i should be able too remove most of the loom and the mass of wires thats in the headligh, but keep the seven wires coming from the mag to the cdi? Plus the one wire from the cdi to the coil, that should be orange ? MANY THANKS
  9. neiltnt1973 posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi there guys I would like some help with wiring of a dt175mx, I would like to take the lights, clocks and switches etc off to save damage as it is run as a field bike. is it possable to remove the loom and battery alltogether and just run a few wires from the engine to the C.D.I etc ? is this possable or am I just showing my lack of sparks knowledge! ?
  10. Hi guys ive got two dt175mxs both 1979, one good, one rough. its the rough one id like some advice on!
  11. neiltnt1973 posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi there everyone, just thought id say hello before I try and pump you all for info on dt175s! hope there are people out there with more idea than me! sure there is, thanks