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Everything posted by glewy

  1. hi thanks for the reply checked my plug this morning (nice and chocolatey) , do you know which wire i need to earth from behind the speedo?
  2. hello people, This is my first ever post on any motorcycle forum, i am hoping someone out there might be able to help me with a problem i'm having with my 2003 DT 125 that i just bought on the 1st of august, i am trying to deresrict the bike. I have taken the restrictor out of the exhaust, but i'm not sure if the power valve is working properly because when i hit 6000-7000rpm the bike stops revving! My bike has the servo fitted and it moves when i switch the bike on but the last DT i had flew when i hit the dreaded 6000rpm but this one wont budge at all this makes me think it is NOT working while i am riding . Now I have read a few posts on here about earthing a wire which im pretty sure has not been done on my bike because it'll only do a top speed of around 60mph and when i picked the bike up the only modification was a dep end can but the front pipe was still restricted , please please please if there is anyone out there who has done this to there bike could you tell me a step by step on where the wire is how to set the powervalve properly i know this bike is a beast at heart and needs to be unleashed! Thanks very much