Hi everyone in new to the site and been enjoying my 97 Thundercat.
The problem i have got is that while i was setting the rear shock to standard settings everything was going fine until i was changing the rebound (counting the clicks),i heard a "PING" now theres no clicks and not changing to the movment of the adjuster.Adjuster just seems to just spins on the thread.
The Shock really sits and pushers at the top of the travel (as though the rebound is quite high) with wooliness and doesnt settle(wholloing,like being on a waterbed).I've adjusted the rest of the the bikes settings to get around it/ not make shock the setting unrideable.
Is it easily fixable?
Is the standard shock rebuildable? Who could do it? (i live at the boarders of Lancashire and Yorkshire).
Are there any compatable shocks that will do as a replacement? Say Is a R6 shock of same age will fit?