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Everything posted by Ski-Dennis

  1. bringing up an old topic i have the same problem ive cracked the speedometer casing, my local bike dealer said you cant order the little "pringle top" casing he said you have to order the whole part :S
  2. Ski-Dennis replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    lmao thurt so cant see how he came to think that it makes u go faster ??
  3. Ski-Dennis replied to checkley8's post in a topic in The Bar
    When i derestricted my aprillia sr 50 ? didnt touch the rollers or didnt change the carb, just thought what the hell wanna go out on it and race every one 2 weeks later it broke and had to sell it for spares and repairs loved that bike
  4. Ski-Dennis posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    was just wanderin a friend of mine said that if your full throttlein it if u keep tapping the clutch u will go faster i thought it was a bit weird but then i heard off some1 it can damage your bike ?? is it even worth it ?
  5. Ski-Dennis posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    People sayin its fake says he survived, he mush have because it wouldnt be alowed on youtube otherwise ??
  6. Ski-Dennis replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  7. Ski-Dennis replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    ah thank you was just looking at this video of how it works the principles of the variator and that would make sense thanks :D
  8. Ski-Dennis replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    Anyone know then ?
  9. Ski-Dennis replied to emdotdee's post in a topic in The Bar
    ah bummer thats scary i leave my bike under my room window did u have any locks disklocks immobilizer etc.. ?? twats diserve hanging !!
  10. Ski-Dennis posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hope talkin about another bike wont get me in trouble heya peeps me and my friend was out in the country side after finally fixing his vivacity 50(needed a flasher and battery relay and immobilizer was naffed) well we was out say to minuites before his engines sounded like it was crunching well.... we both wheeled our bikes home his moped and my yamaha ybr (6 miles) and found the electric start popped of and was gettin in the way of the variator put it back on and titend everything up. When we did it we decided to take the variator of to see if there was any washer restrictors ? it looks like theres two ? one attualy in the variator itself and 1 behind it a little one but dont know which one it is just need a bit of and idea of which and even if they are restrictors we have a technigas racing exhaust on aswell but not gettin more the 35-40mph out of it any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks SkiDennis
  11. Ski-Dennis replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    Just found the restricor its in the manafold which attaches to the exhaust no point in drilling scared incase i hit or crack a piston any way of gettin it out thinks its mig welded in soo... ?
  12. Ski-Dennis replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey thanks dan gunna give it ago at some stuff you said erm... its really quik for 0-60 dont know how fast exactly but after 60 the needle doesnt move very much ?? i have the 2007 model soo.. ?? and is ure engine more likely to break if ure revving past 7000rpm ?? it goes to 9000 then from 10-12 thousand its red lining
  13. Ski-Dennis replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    Heya Uzi thank you very much, this as helped alot didnt think it would go much faster being a 4 stroke and yes ive had the same problem of dropping it my girlfriend took it of the stand and dropped it, completely bent the brake handle but fine and still works only bad pointer i have with this bike is the choke right in the engine lol thanks
  14. Ski-Dennis posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Heya people im new to the site and just wanted a little info bout my ybr 125, well... ive had this bike about 4 months now second hand of my big brother has done 1644miles , im a 20 year old lad, does this bike go faster then 60mph im a heavy lad i way 16 n a half stone, a few of my friends say that every 125cc bike should do 70mph ?? i dont know wheather its because im too heavy or if its been run in proply yet or if its even ment to be driven any faster or is there any restrictors in the manafold exhaust etc... just like a bit of info really any help much aprieciated thanks..