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  1. krash posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    after testing a yzf r125 at my local dealership i noticed that i was on the balls of my feet as opposed to flat footed,this was never a problem on bikes in the past but ive heard that the new yammy is a bit unforgiving to anyone under 5ft7 (im actually 5ft7) i understand everyones inside leg span is different and im about an inch i reckon from flat footed...so my question is this.is it possible to get a lowering kit for the yammy yzfr125 and if so has anyone had any experience with them,ive also seen online that you can adjust seats (cut foam away etc) and wonder if this is a good option,or an efficient one?? edit : ive seen a lowering kit for 99.99 from cmc so i know they do them :) yeah!!
  2. krash replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    its not really about height of the person but inside leg length,well im 5 foot 7 and on the balls of my feet so you would not look out of place,suffice to say you may look like your riding a wasp no offence intended.
  3. krash replied to girl's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    lowering kit for yammy yzf r125 this shou;d drop the seat height about an inch and a half just over (35mm to be exact) im 5 foot 7 and it gives me loads more confidence goin from balls of my feet to flat footed...hope this helps,happy riding.