Hi all
I recently bought a 1991 RXS100 for using as a bit of fun.
It starts 1st or 2nd kick even after a lay-up and sounds sweet when blipping the throttle at a standstill - no rattles - plug a tan colour.
However, once out on the road, in any gear, as soon as the revs get above about 4500rpm (or even less), it starts to vibe quite badly, feeling really strained. You can feel the vibrations through the footrests and bars and it sounds "buzzy"... It does rev out - but it's unpleasant to ride.
I wasn't expecting perfect smoothness from even a small single - but I can't imagine this is how it's meant to feel, or they wouldn't have sold so well!
The only thing that I thought might be the problem is maybe worn mains?
Really, I just wanted confirmation from someone with a nicely running example that this isn't what to expect, so I can get stuck into tearing down the engine.
Many thanks!