Everything posted by swiftyhernandez
Rz50- King of 50cc's
Riverside Raceway - December 1981 As the current owner of a Daytona Special, with several RDs and and RZs in my history, I am a firm believer that... Yamaha 2-strokes rule!!!
Another tire question
For what it's worth: my BT45s are working alright by me
1975 rd 250 questions
Excellent bike that RD. I've got an RD400 (most favorite bike in the world) and an RZ350 that is for sale. A great site to get tons of information and make some friends is: www.usa2strokers.com Very interesting site. The Founder is a good friend of mine, whom I've known since before he "invented" the site; it's a favorite among the two-stroke community. Anyway, good luck with that 'lil 250. I hope to see you at USA2strokers
whats the FJ like?
I'd love to show you a pic ... how do you attach a pic to your post, anyway?
whats the FJ like?
2 weeks ago, I got an '86. Old, I know, but it only had 8287 miles on it when I brought it home. And only today, for the first time, rode it to work; my/it's first real ride, with new tires. Put about 160 miles on the old ones which must have been 15-20 years old; scary! They were quite cracked. And hard. Dumb move, perhaps, but that's alright, we survived. Anyway, feels good to have power. On two seperate occasions, a newer GSXR came up behind me as we split lanes, they both followed me for a while. Until I decided to grab a lane and let 'em go by. My first sign that I've matured? The bike feels a bit buzzy at speeds higher that the indicated 55 ! I'll have to get used to that. I think I'll change the front sprocket. Add a tooth. I'm pretty sure it has the power to pull the gear as there is PLENTY, even down low. The brakes are weak. The 16" wheels are sensitive to road bumps and other road irregularities. My new Metzler Laser tires follow the rain grooves a bit, too. All this made for a ride that that demanded my attention; I'll need to get used to it. I'm going to need some seat-time. It's much different from my RD or Ducati I can tell you that much! It does seem to turn well, tho. For a being such a beast. I like the seat. I think. Worked well on my cummute. I'll need to take it for a mountain ride, and a long highway ride to be sure. I hope that helps
my new ride
Dude, that is pretty bitchin' ! We don't get that here, in the US. I'll bet you keep saying "Is it Monday, yet?!?" I know I would
The biggest 2Stroke Rally in the country 2008
Wish I could make it. I'm just a bit too far from where you are... HAVE FUN! I know you will Check my still and action shots below http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/s...pg?t=1215563670 http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/s...pg?t=1215563775 http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/s...pg?t=1215563827 http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/s...pg?t=1215563870
First road bike...but which one?
In your title seem to be asking for suggestions on your "first road bike" and in your opening remarks you seem to be asking for suggestions on your "first bike." Which is it? First road bike or first ever bike? If you have dirtbike experience then, I think a 400 would be a good place to start. I believe it is best to learn to ride a bike off-road first. Learn what it feels like to operate a two-wheeled, gas-engined, vehicle. Learn what it feels like to turn at speed. Learn what to do when traction is lost. Burn around, have fun, see if you can make it to the top of that hill! Crash. A few times. Nothing serious mind you, but know what it feels like to "go down" because it will happen. Do you have ANY motorcycle riding experience, at all? Or, have you ridden in the dirt before? It is (usually) less painful on the body and the wallet to fall off in the dirt. Know this: you will fall down.
Hi all, New member here. My interest in Yamaha lies mostly in their classic motorcycles, so I felt it appropriate to introduce myself here, as ownder of a an RD400F and RZ350 and an '86 FJ1200. I've been a licenced rider since 1979, have personally experiencing roadracing at the club level, both here in the US and the UK. I've attended several World Champianship races, here and the UK. And I've been to the Isle Of Man TT, twice. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all/some, and raise my glass to meeting new friends! Cheers! Swifty http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/s...pg?t=1215368080