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Everything posted by Harris-Dobson

  1. I need to top up the oil on my R125, but I cannot find anything in my manual or on google that actually says what oil I should pick up?! can anybody just give me a nudge towards any particular brand - specific oil?
  2. Harris-Dobson replied to hate_camel's post in a topic in The Bar
    as it stands im on a provisional license and CBT, so for now my bike is my only method of transport (that involves me riding/driving). However getting to work everyday for now is with the wife since we work on the same base but different buildings, so it makes sense to use one lot of petrol, but she's leaving her job and going back to uni (has 20 working days left!) so then i'll be on my yami everyday to work and back i'm sure odd 'detours' will crop up, where i'll just be forced to take the long way home
  3. Harris-Dobson replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    whats blue and smells like red paint? blue paint ------------------------------------------ A duck walks into a bar... Got any bread? Barman says no... Got any bread? No... Got any bread? No... Got any bread? No... Got any bread? No we haven't got any bread. Ask me again and I'll nail your beak to the bar, you irritating little *******... Got any nails? No! Got any bread? sorry its a slow day at work.. lol
  4. Harris-Dobson replied to Harris-Dobson's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks for the welcome
  5. Harris-Dobson replied to Connor James's post in a topic in The Bar
    its the new beetle model, but not all watercooled n such. she's put herbie vinyls on it though xD
  6. Harris-Dobson posted a post in a topic in General
    Hi all, I've recently taken to the roads of Bedfordshire on my new yami, seen a good number of bikes up and down the A1, but other than the baldock services never really seen a stop-off for any of the local bikers. Anybody happen to live local known of any ride-outs etc? at present i go with my neighbour, him on his CBR600 me on my YZF-R125 (yes he does leave me behind on the A1!), but looking for any other riders in the area
  7. Harris-Dobson replied to Connor James's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol, i'm another with OCD when cleaning my bike, each bit has to sparkle! but then again i'm the same when i wash the wife's car, her precious beetle
  8. Harris-Dobson replied to devildfor's post in a topic in General
    even if you have a mate who you could call an 'expert' to look over it i think it should at least quarm any questions or concerns. If not then i suppose no harm in booking it into a garage. Luckily i have a section at work who service all their own cars/bikes etc, and i can pop mine down to them, even get the service paperwork
  9. Harris-Dobson replied to YMF's post in a topic in The Bar
    welcome, im a newb around here too, but its quite easy to settle in, everyone seems nice, you'll enjoy it and find all the help you'll ever need
  10. Harris-Dobson posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    i've made a few posts here and there since joining a few weeks ago, but as of yet havent actually introduced myself. My names Nick, I'm 22 and ride a Yami YZF-R125 in red / white / black. Am fairly new to biking, my only previous bike was a 125 Sukida Patriot, not the nicest bike to ride, and i cant say i exactly felt safe on it, but it was cheap and got me from A to B! Then i got my hands on my current bike and have never looked back, have got a new found enjoyment out of riding and have actually found myself taking it out for the fun of it instead of just the essential treck to work.
  11. Harris-Dobson replied to Harris-Dobson's post in a topic in General
    right ok, something to seriously consider then. financially might it be more viable (for me at least) to stick on a CBT and just re-take that so i can have another 2 years on L plates (the plates really dont bother me) and take the test later on - my wife's just gone back to uni so we're living off my wages, so the lesss totally un-necessary expenditure the better!
  12. welcome to YOC, new myself, and have the same bike in different colours, do you have a slightly larger pic of your bike?
  13. Harris-Dobson replied to Connor James's post in a topic in The Bar
    i like the idea of potentially wrecking their bike first nah i'm sure it'd be good stuff anyway. i've been using WD40 and some chain lube the guy across the street gave me, got loads when he bought his CBR600
  14. haha! thanks for that, finally put a smile on my face at work, been a ***** of a day
  15. Harris-Dobson replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    heard alot of people mention the strictness when coming to speed, to give me an idea, what exactly are they looking for? getting upto speed from standing at a junction/lights etc? speed on corners demonstarting you can handle the bike?
  16. Harris-Dobson replied to Harris-Dobson's post in a topic in General
    well for me that'd be fine anyway, as i said i intend to keep my current bike for a few years yet anyway, it's only done 3300 miles so far (I managed to screw my leg up for 8 weeks so havent had much chance to ride it since i got it!) so if i was to pass mod1, nothing would actually change until i passed mod2 and the theory?
  17. Harris-Dobson posted a post in a topic in General
    i took my CBT last August, so i have another year of riding on it, before either taking CBT again or taking my test. it did get explained to me how the module 1 & 2 works, but i cannot remember for the life of me. I'm currently riding a YZF-R125 (which i intend to keep riding, at least for now, even if i do take and pass my test). I'm over 21 aswell if that makes a difference.
  18. my german sheperd stands about 6ft on his back legs, probably perfect height to ride a YZF-R125, though there wouldnt be much room for me once he'd got on there
  19. Harris-Dobson replied to daneff's post in a topic in The Bar
    sounds like a good price to me, we been looking at something similar for my father-in-law for his 50th bday tho he likes my YZF-R125 lol. End of the day he wont have a choice since he has no idea he's actually getting one, just thinks its pipe-dreams and lol foamy
  20. Harris-Dobson replied to SalaD FingeRs's post in a topic in The Bar
    i was always more into cruisers etc when i was shopping around, but i've now got a YZF R125 and love it to pieces! havent looked back since getting it
  21. Harris-Dobson replied to emdotdee's post in a topic in The Bar
    ye same :s i live in a relatively quiet area but still have a xena disc lock and squire chain on the rear wheel of yzf125, even if its behind our security gates. Hopefully all works out for you one way or another.
  22. Harris-Dobson posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I've just got my hands on a Yamaha YZF-R125 http://hellforleathermagazine.com/yzf-R125.jpg ^ that exact model and colour-scheme I've been looking into an aftermarket exhaust, thinking maybe the Remus? What would people recommend, baring in mind i am riding on a provisional license and CBT so i cannot exceed the 125cc (or the bhp limit moreso).
  23. Harris-Dobson replied to dt250Man's post in a topic in The Bar
    Im 23 (just turning), married, provisional license (plus CBT) with a years no claims, riding a Yamaha YZF-R125 and mine is £205 for the year fully comp. my first year was £135 but that was a £700 Sukida