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  1. Ebay usually sells the switches i bought a few parts from there whilst trying to get my bike back on da road
  2. I had the same problem I had to bump start mine for a while then i checked the fuel pipe from the tank to the engine to make sure there was no blockages then I checked the spark plug and found when i tried to start it gave off a spark so i took the L shaped head off to find the connection had worn away so I trimmed the rubber back 1/4 inch so the copper wire was visable again and replaced the rubber bung. Then I refilled my battery with deironised water and charged it for 24 hours then put my battery back in da bike it was a bit tempermental at first so held the choke out for about 40 secs den pressed start whilst holding choke as it starts to catch I used the slihgtest bit of revs and it kicked in its been fine since as long as i hold the choke out first it doesn't cut out even though it has been left outside in the rain at work . to summarise check spark plug connection is ok, check there is no blockage in the fuel pipe, and finally make sure you have enough battery fluid and charge over night this should sort out.
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