Everything posted by black night
xj 600 diversion in 2 a naked bike
Was out on my xj 600 diversion last night when I came off it. First bike crash now part of the club. The bike seems fine mechanically but the bike fairing is all smashed. Was thinking about making it a naked bike and was wondering how easy this would be on the xj.
xj 600 diversion in 2 a naked bike
it is just the fairing that is smashed 2 bits. the bike still works fine as i road it 60 miles home after picking it up.
xj 600 diversion in 2 a naked bike
Was out on my xj 600 diversion last night when I came off it. First bike crash now part of the club. The bike seems fine mechanically but the bike fairing is all smashed. Was thinking about making it a naked bike and was wondering how easy this would be on the xj.
petrol prices
i stay just out side edinburgh. about 15 min from the big bp plant. it is 111P here but i work in edinburgh and it is 103P and thay is like 45-50 min from the bp plant. how can it cost them less to get it in to edinburgh
xj 600 heated grips
I have got bored of having cold hands on the bike and I on going 2 get my self heated grips for the bike. Any 1 know what size I need for my bike? Is there any you would recommended
xj 600 driping oil
my xj 600 is driping oil. it is comeing from a pipe out the botem on the bike is this an over flow pipe for the oil and if yes why has it started doing it. i have not toped up the oil or that
I had something very simpler happen with my xj 600. It was that fuel filter was full off shit.
yamaha fzr 400 exup
i had it with my XJ 600 where it would not rev over 7500 rpm. changed the fule filter and cleaned out the carbs and it was fine
yamaha fz 400 fairings?
have you tryed looking on ebay
ronded off bolt
have tryed them thay were just sliping on it
xjr 400 restricted?
you cod see if the fuel filter is full of crap
ronded off bolt
The bolt on the left hand side of my XJ 600. that is used to adjust the chain is all rounded and cant get it to move any ideas of how I code get it off. I have new bolts to put on when I do. Before any say I have be using a spanner that that was to big. I was not the metal is all rusty and soft
bike will not start
do u know how i would go about uncloging them
bike will not start
ok i will do that. thanks for the help. will let u know how it gos
bike will not start
it is lumpy. i was not panicing i am just trying to give you as much information as i can
bike will not start
bike will not start
i have been haveing a read at my haynes manual for the bike all it has in it some generl information do tell me how 2 do it. do u know how?
bike will not start
i have put new plugs in the bike 2 day and it will now start. but i need to hold the throttlel open 2 keep it runing when i let it go it just die's
bike will not start
3 and 4 are sparking but 1 and 2 are not. when i swop the plugs arond 1 and 2 spark. so i thingk i need some new plugs. as i have tryed cleaning them up but still not working. go to the shop tomorrow after work
bike will not start
dont know how to do that. tell me and i will go and try it
bike will not start
i have a xj 600. it will not start. it turns over but will not fire up. sound like it is not get petrol. have changed the fuel filter but this has not fixed it. help what eles mit be up