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  1. I was riding a charity ride through Germany when I had a seizure near Berlin I have stripped the engine down to the point of splitting to get the crankshaft out. One con rod has worn to f**k, but to replace, I have to replace the two conrods and the pin at a cost of 200€ plus. I don't have that to spare at the moment, to repair andd the cost to bring back and as I must bring it back soon, I am contemplating cutting the rod and leaving the end on the pin and remove the timing chain etc to reduce the engine size and limping it back slowly as a 62 cc. Before I embark on this madness, has anyone had a rebuild and have a spare good conrod available. I know it's a long shot but such is the desparation.
  2. forget the above have found the big ends are gone.
  3. Am stuck in Germany with my bike. Was motoring comfortably at 50mph when I lost power and almost stalled. I obviously pulled over and it kept running BUT with quite a loud rattle/knock coming in at a faster engine revs. I first thought it was a big end, but later presuumed was a sticking valve. It's quiet at 20 then it kicks in. Got the rear head off so far as I believed it to be from there. Question should both timing marks on each cylinder be at top at the same time or should they be opposite for each cylinder. I am sure I can work it out in time, but am still wotking on it outside a friends flat. So far no obvious damage to rear cylinder cam shaft or valves and about to remove the front head to check I also thought it might be the drive wheel of the timing chain. Anyone had similar experience?
  4. Cheers mate was working round by the exhausts yesterday and never spotted it. Thought thats what I would be looking for. Dipstick riding it- nice one lol
  5. Just got the bike and took the filler cap off and there is no dipstick attached to it Is this normal and how do I know how much to fill Sounds like I'm a bit thick but new bike an all thta