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  1. rrau posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hey guys, First off this is my first post in the forum, second I have a 1977 xs500d that was my grandfathers bike. after receiving it a few months ago i took on the job of getting it running and usable again. I have however run into a snag: after the bike has been running a while and has gotten hot the right cylinder will cut out. I have torn down the carbs twice and cleaned them and re synced them. does anybody have an idea of what could be going on. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you -Rob
  2. rrau replied to Dirk_Gently's post in a topic in Classics
    Hey guys I'm new to the forum as well but i have been working on an XS500D for the past few months. As for parts it seems like the best place to get the is either eBay or bikebandit.com has a good number of parts. now for my question, does anybody here know if mufflers from an XS650 are compatible with the XS500. (also, as for the rarity, i have had about the same amount of trouble finding this bike on the internet, not even the yamaha service site recognizes its existence!) I'll be watching this thread closely, hopefully i can help here and maybe it will give me some insight. -Rob