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  1. billy10hats posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Greetings everyone, I recently bought a Yamaha Virago 250 1994. I went riding on it the other day and it just started to splutter to a halt "help i thought im in the xxxx". I then tried to start it but it would not have it, i then checked all the obvious like plugs, fuel pump etc... I think it is carburetor trouble. Does anyone know how to disconnect the two throttle cables and the choke cable from the carb ? I need to take carb out and check starter jet, and clean it. Any advice would be appreciated very much. cheers Trev PS Hi Frank, Yep checked plugs and they were dry when i was trying to start engine. I have just taken carb out, and checked starter piston thingy, thats seems clean, I think i have put it b ack together correctly, is there a special way of putting the piston needle back in ?, i notice a raised notch on end of needle round thingy. Electrics are good, all lights work ok etc... Cant get into the jobby end of carb where most of the jets are, screws are very tight and on the verge of being damaged at the head, gonna struggle to get these off (ameuter)