Everything posted by chocolatestarfish
xj900s 2001
Hi, yes the xjs900 is comon for the petrol too run out have you cheked it for petrol ?
Happy birthday 2 U etc etc etc
yuo forgot its also Ellmets birthday to jammer happy birthday ellmet, i see you lik trantulers i like them to i would like to give you one for yuor birthday
more vandalisum by somwone on hear
i have toled the comunity oficer i think i know wo it is
yes champain i like to Ogelitonbike
Hi this i s like a mustash i might gro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbYtqAWDF2U helloooooo cynyc I saw you on the sqires videos
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
beng a bit shy i was at sqires to, i was standing next to blackhat and olgitonabike blackhat looked nise in his siut i sayed hi to barkwinjamer and got a picture of blackhat to, it was a nice campsite to
Seen any good bike / motorbike videos?
and ther on rong side of th road idits ! they shold be put in jale
How to clean chain on XV250S
can you just use a close horse, I live in a flat with my mum, then grees it ?
Filtering past white van man
I thin it was for youtube
stolen fuel
wot kind of yoor fish ?
just seen goff on the telly
Iv recoded it, hnn
http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php?app=members&module=messaging§ion=view&do=showConversation&topicID=22469 yea thaks Kishan
Hi it smee
if enybody lik nachure and wood like a pet like me then i can giv you one my mum dosnt no that emily has babies but i need to giv them away heer is a pichur thayr free and i can post them
We have chooks!
sory sory iv put this in the rong box
We have chooks!
hello and sorry for buting in
and hes a idiot its been rubed of but you can stil see it, and 1 week jale for this
weres foamy
i cant beleev it, 1 week of saying your in raf and not the truth wot is the jale, ink arserated for spraying himself on a semetery wall, when i my mum foned the police on you thay said they would lock you away and thro away the book, its a discrase !if anybody seen the pikturs of mineless ax of vandalim thay would be sick of it
hello and sorry for buting in
i dont think so you ar a idiot
hello and sorry for buting in
my mum and ant Maude no ded people in ther and ther not happy
hello and sorry for buting in
cant you see it a discrase,and if you say any more bad wurds to me then my mum will fone the police agen
hello and sorry for buting in
wel you can laff all if you want
hello and sorry for buting in
me and my frend wer over ther doing brass rubing last week and its still ther
hello and sorry for buting in
thats what th othoritys would like to no, and its not cleened of
hello and sorry for buting in
wellmy Mum foned the police and thay wer very good about it
hello and sorry for buting in
i wood say the same.