Everything posted by up.yours
Please recommend an open-face or flip up visor helmet...
how much do you value your head? not very much? then buy an open face helmet. very much? then protect it with the best you can afford? i.e. a full faced helmet.
hi, bargain hunters? im led to believe , GEORGE WHITES, are having a liquidation sale tomorrow morning . at the bolton branch on bradshawgate, near the train station. opens at 9am. so get their early and grab a bargain .
- top tips
New guy from the UK
my mate says 100+miles and no i won't?
top tips
CREATE your own cruise ship experience by visiting an old people's home whilst pissed on rum A VIBRATING cock ring makes an ideal massage belt for a hamster with a stiff back AVOID wasting time at airport security by going shoeless with your trousers round your ankles. PRETEND to be Elvis in your local chip shop by saying "Thank you very much" and then leaving the building. WHY waste money on a potato masher? Simply put the potato in your mouth and chew - hey presto, creamy mash in seconds! RECREATE the glamor of watching an old person eat pasta by giving a dog a Jelly Baby CONVINCE people you're the Wizard of Oz by shouting at them from behind a curtain
Buried alive challenger dug up dead
what a tit,
Car vs Motorcycle: Crash + Road Rage
the scooter boy is clearly in the correct position coming off the roundabout , then the road looks like it opens into a duel carrageway were the 40 sighn is, the fat fuck could have held back and bided his time to make a safe manover, but oh no he had to muscle past. the fat git supposed to be an ex instructor advanced driver ect, would he teach this techneqe when out with a cient,i think not. and what about that cutting in front and slaming on the brakes causing the lad to almost rear end him, what the hell was that all about.
New guy from the UK
how far is snetterton.. and wlll i find my way there easy enough
Car vs Motorcycle: Crash + Road Rage
he wouldn't have spoke to me like that ? and walked away.. :madflame:
New guy from the UK
nice bickcycle , welcome to the madhouse paul?.
Boots - Inside or outside of trousers?
white boots out?
Boots - Inside or outside of trousers?
then do the hokey cokey ? and let it all hang out
600cc first big bike
he want's something affordable? BANDIT...????
- 600cc first big bike
- Cleaning jacket tips?
Kev, I've found your girl
im still beating,about this thread?
Seems legit...
no one putting a bid in then
- mod 1 test next sunday
I still got it, thank god!
bad luck columbo, put back in for it while its all still fresh in your mind..
Kev, I've found your girl
wow, i was compeled to do a bit of shopping? but have you seen the chuffin prices?
I still got it, thank god!
stuck at question 2? but in my defence, i only past my test in 1980.
7k tyre and still rolling
i only managed 2000 miles on my michelin mx's ? how shit are they then . but i bought some more? well; they stick to the road?