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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. what dya meen poor bastard , he's a twat
  2. go on foams, get your clackers out and give it a go
  3. where do i sign up oh yes they are where do i sign up
  4. something like this would be good starting with our very own sacha. (this is just a prototype)
  5. at the top of the you tube screen, the bit that starts htt:// starting from the magnafine glass as above on this page left click and drag left until it all turns blue, put your curser on it then right click and click copy. then come here and paste it and this should happen.
  6. i removed it for your own good, and im not telling you what it was so don't ask, and it wasn't my knackers,so clear your sick minds.
  7. thats ashame, as i had no problems with them.
  8. if it has a 90cc kit on it ? you havn't bought a 50cc tzr have you .
  9. don't use your front brake on snow or ice, ? drill this into your thick skull.
  10. i have a 2smoke for fun ? it ain't fun riding in the snow, it ain't fun riding in the rain either? so at the moment it's in the shed. but if it's cold n dry i will bring it out all through winter.
  11. up.yours


    freddy flint off next what you reckon , out in round four's my guess.
  12. up.yours


    it was inevitible , trying to make a come back so soon after all that drug and booze binge fiasco.
  13. mr sensible? how are you pat ,were you been hiding.
  14. up.yours


    he has a jim , he could focas is attention on that. and yup he be retired again.
  15. why on earth are you looking at girls clothes in the first place
  16. up.yours


    ko''d in round nine (pussy)
  17. +1 for the hands on engine at the traffic lights, or sheep skin mitts , are unbeatably toasty warm .
  18. it was still the chicken first.
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