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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. aw come on man . you know it makes sense. we need a video man for the yoc event. and your that man.
  2. cheers mervin nice vid's you did by the way. some of your exploits are epic..
  3. this dark person in a taxi would have lost his mirror. i was going down mansel way , in the right hand lane as i was about to enter the right turn filter lane , when said dark boy on his mobile also nodding to his passenger , swerved almost into me, it was only down to my own observation and quick response that he missed me, well ? to be honest i was livid . at the lights i rattled on his window with metal knuckled glove , pondering weather or not to put it through, or just take a mirror, but ? being the laid back forgiving gent that i am , i gave him the benefit to explain himself. to witch the dark bastard replied you need to watch were your going mate i did nothing wrong. fury filled my soul .. then i noticed two children in the back seat and a terrified passenger . i know deep in my heart someone up their was watching over him today
  4. you always have to steal the show with a better vid baldy .. that was unexpected though. nice find drewps.
  5. i'm not bringing the tow rope, theirs no way on this earth am i being seen towing a bloody kia with a red headed mankini wearing gimp in it no way...
  6. he seems to be going for it on the bike , but what bike is it ? i'm thinking sv600.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd4zC6KAegE
  8. one of my beloved dogs ,(angus the dog above) has run around the garden as fast as he could with his sister inga , head first into the back of the house wall, the whole house shuddered. he then came bounding into the house wagging his tail as if to say HEY look what iv'e done. he's removed a lump of skin and hair in the middle of his head, it looks like a pakki dot at the moment , one of them big ones , it's healing up ok and he's fine . but i don't think the hair will grow back. worse than kids arn't they..
  9. don't know about that. but theirs a chance you could have a lick...
  10. English law states that Dogs must be kept on a lead in this country . oh and we have to pick all our dog shit up .
  11. hands off he's mine. first dibs and all.
  12. ah ahhh thats where i was going wrong .
  13. up.yours


    well done. are you happy with it.
  14. hahahahaaaaaa yea and break every other key in the process don't bother.
  15. foamy is so tight he's drilled a hole in his fridge door , so that he check that the light has gone out.
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