Everything posted by up.yours
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
i think 1 is miles clearer ,, but it's still 3 for me.
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
Yea , why does it go cold so quickly. !!
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
i new i would find um somewhere.
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
then i thought,,,, would they rip the general public off . or would they use the real mcoy No they wouldn't ? would they
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
well ! i have just tried a bag of wotsits , and they don't seem to be bringing any fond memories back. i was always curious as to what they coated the scratch patch with, ie TUNA SALMON , or just plain COD.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
I once made my own Bench t shirt , My kids wouldn't go anywhere with me when I had it on though .
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
ok how about this blue !
manchester bike show 22nd and 23rd march
nice pics andy, but your opening comments hurt my feelings..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
im with foams ,, DARK BLUE LIKE THIS
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
so ! la la ,,, it's this .. in blue,, with the switcher T shirt only reply if you disagree to save time.
manchester bike show 22nd and 23rd march
one or the other doesn't work on it's own..i tried them .
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
88888 my first choice is purple 88888 then this blue 88888 or maroon.. or i will go with the flow..
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
my mate shit in HER bed on his first date , puked on the bathroom floor a week later on his second date, he now has two kids with her and im going to his wedding in august. she's fit too. and rich,,and her parents are well off. he must just have what it takes .or his nobs massive !
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
all we need now is newman and la la to get their heads together.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
we still need conformation from the two ronnies
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
you don't have to tell him twice to keep the drinks low.
manchester bike show 22nd and 23rd march
one word !! pissing down.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
we best wait n see what lord jason and heir foams has to say
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
anyhow mrs/little miss katie, do you remember or are you way to young to remember these scratch and sniff mags i mention. and did you or did you not have a go. and if you could would you...
Microsoft / Xbox
my lads just been and paid £450 for a new xbox, he's orf his feckin head.. anyone want his old xbox 360 slim 250gb £80. thats half of whats it's worth to one of you guys..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
yes, from me lassa.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
i ain't wearing a yellow t shirt, i'll look gay as fuck... like a massive sun flower. or a melon ! NO.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
two faced twat.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
them grey forks won't work on a grey shirt.
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
did he say he has a massive nob