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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. I can paste a link in my title but not here, how fucking annoying is that . anyway go to my title it's ace..
  2. up.yours


    they recommended it. it says WARNING this bike is fitted with an alarm sticker..
  3. helmets are for wimps. be a real man.
  4. up.yours


    mines modified !!! it has a sticker on it..
  5. up.yours


    hi john , your on the ball you are .
  6. up.yours

    Your thoughts

    I'm still thinking
  7. up.yours


    I like this a lot .
  8. his wrist snapped before his neck, I betcha. if you were driving the car you would probley say ! am I doing the right thing ? so go on , have some fun on the way.
  9. I laughed . it was funny . it was one of those oh shit I've been seen , moments
  10. up.yours

    Dirty DT ,

    he means RAW horse.
  11. I sicked in my mouth, you dirty git.
  12. up.yours

    Lock picking.

    it is just one of many hobbies for me , but it has come in handy occasionally as only the other night proved. it's ment for fun not crime. Ttasky sounds like you have quite a collection there did you ever bother with one of them spinners as I think them to be pointless but WL seem to sell lots of them.
  13. up.yours

    Lock picking.

    can I come too Ttasky
  14. up.yours

    Lock picking.

    jf anyone is struggling to get tools or your interested in having a go at the art of lock picking then try this guy I get all my equipment from here, WALKER LOCKSMITHS he exepts paypal amongst other payments . just google him as my copy and paste still won't work on here.
  15. up.yours

    Lock picking.

    I thought you guys in the force new everything like this. but then again a bobby was locked out of his parked car behind my car a good few years back now, after half an hour struggling with a wire I offered to open it for him , to which he replied thanks mate, I will have to keep my eye on you. cheeky bugger.
  16. up.yours

    Lock picking.

    it's funny this thread should crop up . as I have just got back from my sons new house, he rang up and asked me to get down their with my picks as he had just snapped the key off in the lock and was stood out side with his bird. first he rang a lock smith who quoted him £80 call out fee plus £40 for any work carried out. then he told his new girlfriend "i'l give my dad a ring instead he picks locks, she asked " why would your dad pick locks" any how it took me three seconds to rake the lock and It only cost them a brew.. happy days all round as I hadn't been round to their new pad before..
  17. adam saddler betty turpin and tommy cooper, he got the lot.
  18. up.yours

    Lock picking.

    I have that one amongst others ! quite good for automobiles .
  19. my Yamaha passola fit in the back of my Picasso on the centre stand with the boot shut down with space for a couple of sheep !!! but we wont go there..
  20. that's it !!! he was wearing suspenders :biglaugha:
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