Everything posted by up.yours
bull dog bash.
apparently three mates of mine are going all weekend for free,they are doing bar work and other jobs,they get paid and also get free entry.
First time buyer
well you asked for personal opinion so, their crap, a mechanic freind of mine had one and it fell apart over a period of three years ,the electrics were a pain in his arse and it didnt like the rain,it often ran like a sack of shat and he was often late for work,well thats my opinion of them.ho yes i just remembered JOSHUA 2 has a 600 .but he has lots of time to tinker,when it all falls apart on him. good luck.
Cluthless changes.
any way ,whats wrong with a false neutral ,they sound fantastic,on a two stroke.
help on removing the flywheel ??
simpley swap the engine then
bull dog bash.
you got money to burn girley.
numb hands
foamy knows how to cheer people up ,
help on removing the flywheel ??
a very strong grip.
Cluthless changes.
well thats why i cant do them ,its because i ride balls out like ya should do on an RD.
dealer lied to me? what to do
I then took a call from the service department yeh the sales person probably told them to say it.
Cluthless changes.
maybe i do ,but that replica bonnie of yours wouldnt stay up with it ,now off you go and do your crutchless knicker change.
dealer lied to me? what to do
thats what sales people do, they lie through their teeth.
Jeez its quiet on hear tonight, Quiz anyone?
you watch too much TV.
bull dog bash.
well you certainly went around the block with that reply didnt you.
bined my bike yesterday :/
yeh bad luck dude,think yourself lucky you got off lightly. i didnt?
bull dog bash.
hay goff keep us informed of anything on the cards ,in the neer future. i missed your last one.
bull dog bash.
its the bulldog bash this weekend whos going and whos not its FIFTY FIVE quid,so im not.
local shows lancashire
aw it was nothing realy ,the dowgs did all the hard work,
local shows lancashire
cheers drewpy,i got this reply a bit to late,but its till appreciated.
local shows lancashire
hi old git ,were you havin brekkie at the old barn
local shows lancashire
i now its a bit last minute,bt is their any bike meets or shows in or around lancashire on sunday.
two stroke oil
hi there shit face ,do you want a ride out tomorrow ,let me know tonight.
Small ding on rim of rear wheel can it be fixed ?
well done,but stay out of them pot holes.
two stroke oil
so since youve bean useing the carlube n rock oil have you had any problems.
Small ding on rim of rear wheel can it be fixed ?
hi correiboy,i had a dink on a two day old car alloy,i was devastated,i took it too a place near me ,very good repair ,but cost £86.so as above i would go with the wheel tyre disc option,eaven though a repair is possible.
what visor
hmm ,hi goth ,this dont help me much,ask your mates and let me know,i need to hide my mug.PS nice tats.