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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. up.yours


    where can i buy a swinging arm assembly for a lot less than £200 for my 1982 rd350lc. or is their a way around re-packng the worn bushes.
  2. only seen the film,sci-fi dont do it for me,but angelers ashes was a good read,spoilt by a poor film .more my thing .
  3. i had a jawa in my youth and put 117,000 miles on one set of pistons then sold the bike with the pistons i bought when it reached 45,000 miles ,you wont get jap crap doing that?
  4. up.yours

    rd snatches

    hey watch yourself,that kind of reply is reserved for joshua2 only.
  5. three hundred and fifty quid.
  6. what can you say , well, (DUMB MOTHER FUCKER)thats what ,i always ask someone to push my bike while i spray lube it.
  7. are we talking about blade runner with harrison ford.
  8. up.yours

    rd snatches

    cheers its a slack chain,
  9. books need to be compressed into 1 to 2hours for a film,hence loss of plot.
  10. drewpy does it penguin style.
  11. up.yours

    rd snatches

    when following drewpy home the other day the bike seemed to snatch or slip a few times as i hit the power band ,what may be the most likely cause.
  12. thank you ttaskmaster as always you done your homework . little dave im glad we arnt falling out over this .this topic can now end . please could a mod block this topic before it becomes something it wasnt intended to be.thank you.
  13. its a white night with a burning cross and a bible,its something ive always been fastenated with.we all beleive what we want to beleive in or do we no longer have that right,because it may offend someone,in which case their wouldnt be any religions .it seems that my avitar has offended you in which case tough luck i make no appoliges what so ever why should i,like i said its my choice.
  14. not intending to cause offence again?why is the shortened version of the word pakistani offensive,answers from ethnic minoritys only please.people shorten my name (kev) to you big fat ugly cunt ,but i dont take offence.
  15. enjoyed a nice strole out with whats becoming a popular forum outing,nice to see some new and old(drewpy)faces.maps were a great idea well done billy,hope to see you all again soon.
  16. well im up early folks ,just need to get ready and motor on down there to sale ,hope you dont all piss-off b4 i get there.
  17. where does the term yank originate.
  18. oh i thought it was the australians that called us limeys but they call us pommis?
  19. ta very much bwj ,nothing quite like reading someone elses paper
  20. the reviews on spada enforcers that i come across(not literaly) (dam i got that of you bwj)are very good results ,they came first in the under £50 range and third in the any price range not a bad result at all, ride magazine tested and reviewed them .
  21. if this question offends any one i appoligise ,but we call germans crouts and french people frogs we also call americans yanks or yankis,what slang name do you yanks call the british or english?
  22. gor tex under crackers,now thats what we need. do girls get that trickle,or is it just a man thing
  23. oh how you will miss that cold trickle running down yer bollox .
  24. howdy bwj ,ive bitten the bullet and been and bought my self a pair of spada enforcers,xxl ,they fit like a glove (dont know why)with good movement in all fingers and thumbs,the only quipe is the inner liners pull out when your hands are damp but all winter gloves do that, i bought mine direct from RACE LEATHERS in darwin nr bolton he has an on line shop on ebay just put the name of the gloves in and have a root through until you hit on his store,his prices are quite compatable,the enforcers are advertised at £39.99p on ebay but a bit of bartering face to face got me a small reduction £38.00 ,in store staff are exellant helpfull and dont seem to want to push the end of line crap off on to you,so well see how they proform as soon as we get some bad weather,cant wait for it.
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