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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. it didn't take long to abuse these things did it , ie dope drops over the prison walls ,
  2. good idea Ttasky .
  3. will be up their between 11am to 1pm paul if your still going look out for me pal.
  4. would you believe it , a pig / police man told my youngest that his car had illegal lighting , he had green leds in the window washer jets on the front bonnet , and was asked to remove them as it could be classed as impersonating a doctors emergency vehicle. wtf
  5. well ! they have nailed the safety issue , so now I suppose a bit of styling is ok.
  6. up.yours


    well ! I wouldn't mind tickling her dick.
  7. up.yours


    your so wrong in so many accounts paul.
  8. up.yours


    watch the tout de france that normally shows how well it stands up to gravel.
  9. up.yours


    im NOT gay , but who else tends to stair at the gentleman region of men in lycra, I said only the other day to the missus whilst sat out side a café look at the bloody state of that .
  10. smash them in the face go on lock the bloody thead it's only about gimpy lycra shehe's anyway ha,ha, I know how to get a thread locked . fight bum fisting , tell me when you want me to stop kick um go on get stuck in.
  11. your as mad as a hatter ! but it would work if there is room to work.
  12. what In the name of jesus Christ was that all about, I'm speechless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. good man il look out for you.
  14. yes you can !!! if your gonna sell it to the next sucker to come along ,
  15. rd's are ace simsons are shite , looks a nice place for a cuppa tea that place.
  16. will I see you at rivi barn on good Friday paul.
  17. up.yours

    Solar Eclipse

    took the rd over to darwen and watched the eclipse from that church up on the hill. it was shit , I watched it through a colander and strained my eye's.
  18. iff bips in im right in behind her sort of.
  19. always worth it if not only for the knobs noobs.
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