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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. naa,thats no good,but thanks for looking andy.
  2. it;s a burka vez,,and i was told by a muzlem/paki or whoever that the burka is only part of the dress code not part of the religion,so they are worn by choice and alha won't mind iff they remove them.
  3. scotish goverment know you can't get blood out of a stone,,,,,,un-like our goverment ,,,,ain't that right jim n john......
  4. i heard on rock fm ,that there is a bike show on in radcliff this sunday anyone know where abouts in radcliff it is.
  5. a ground sheet from a Big top wouldn't get me doing that.
  6. suppose ill get mi kit off for a good cause...
  7. got it this morning jase.the plunger pull is different,so i salvaged the screw coller and spring,it now works fine,,,,must remember to knock it of from now on.thanks again jase.
  8. nice bikes dutch,and:welcome: to the madhouse.
  9. yea ,im built for shit like that:)
  10. why the hard hats,?just incase a bird shits on you.....also i bet it's a shit job when it's pissin down...
  11. glue the key into the ignition.
  12. is that like bashing ones bishop..... :lol:
  13. how embarasing it is for me, to after admit ,your my favorit poster:blush: nice one mr Ttaskmaster.
  14. up.yours

    star wars

    i missed that last bit andy.
  15. up.yours


    your quite right,i think vez was just being polite.
  16. up.yours

    star wars

    you dont have her number by any chance ,do you.
  17. up.yours

    sh1t happens

    my boss told me i want fuckin today,,,,i think he got it mixed up ,he ment sacking:rolleyes: ,,sorry to hear about the missus though pat ,such a shit time for it with christmas looming.
  18. i have a budgie going cheep.
  19. hmm actor voice over educated in my home town.?how does that save lives.
  20. up.yours

    A Big Hello

    i didn't notice that paul your much sharper than i.
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