Everything posted by up.yours
remember back when.... 1990
I had the choice of owning that bike or the rd it was a terrible dilemma at the time , but stupidity prevailed in the end and I got the yam
Old biker chick
my dads 82 and had a triumph thunderbird when he was in his youth, I coaxed him on my rd last sunday ,. after once round the block he got off and told me it was a bloody death trap WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW. cheeky buggers these oldies in this day and age aren't they .
theory test
if your intelligent you will pass if your thick you will fail, so ! no pressure then . good luck.
remember back when.... 1990
this vid made the tip of my dick go wet.
Ducati goes squish
my question is ! would a noisy exhaust have helped
Amazing vintage bike
it can only happen to you john. glad your ok though mate.
Pasty and Peas Bike night
got their about 8pm , no ! I did not get lost , I went overt moors for a bimble first I was with that boney git in a red hoodie and carl with the gsx 1400.
Pasty and Peas Bike night
im going up to this event in five mins , so look out for me if your going .
Pasty and Peas Bike night
I sometimes call up there when I feel like a bimble after work.
Rape Alarms
if you can't afford £20 im sure we could all contribute £2 each towards one for you.
40 Bikes for sale
only a 16,700 mile round trip I won't bother !!!
Rape Alarms
as they say at asda ! every little counts.
- 1986 Yamaha DT50 MX
- New bike
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
I could just eat one of those
- New bike
erm, just to mind F*ck you really
sit on my face girls
FS1-E northern rally,,
I intended making a surprise visit, but the wife gave me a surprise list of jobs I promised to do for her. im glad you had a good time though lads.
erm, just to mind F*ck you really
did his nose resemble a twitching penis , or was I watching something else
Its too hot
41 c at my mill , way too hot but had to bear it . beat that anyone.
- Malibu and coke
Malibu and coke
king goblin is a mans drink. fuck all them sex on the beach poofta drinks.
Site changed
it all looks the same to me wtf whats happened to the emotions . ah here they are.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
think of England !!!! but how the feck did you get that !!! what did you search for, should we be worried.
try selling them at the GAY fest in blackpool.