Everything posted by up.yours
Hello from a new member
so do you have the yellow version as on your avatar , or is that the only avatar you could find my passola is yellow by the way , my rd's also yellow, hmm , a bit of a fetish going on me thinks, cos my mountain bike is, yup you guest, yellow. but guess what ,, my car isn't yellow.
New Here Irene
my humble appoligise, if i offended anyone, your quite right this isn't the place to mock folk,b4 they step though the door.
Moving wing mirrors
try this iff that don't work, pop the glass out , it may or may not have a rubber suround that peales off,(mine does) at the back of the glass should be a nut , tighten it , only a bit ,because it has a plasic cup that easily splits, put the glass back and bobs your aunt fanny.good luck.
What got you into bikes
well to be honest, they were so easy to nick, i just couldn't say no.. it takes all kinds i suppose.
Yamaha aerox 50
try sealing your radiator with an egg, it worked on my cortina..
Oil Checking
typical twat.
Friday Thaughts
ttask ,yea it's worth it.
Rd350ypvs should scream!.. pls help
:lol: nice one barky, i replied to his earlier ask and run question jason, then like him i changed my post.
New Here Irene
oh cum on irene,
xt renthal handguards
hi , im kev, are you alright.
Oil Checking
he's gone.
Rd350ypvs should scream!.. pls help
Friday Thaughts
ye, that camera is a bit crap pat , it makes your back tyre look bald.
How not to start your day!
welcome to the woe's of yoc , dude, a copper did this to me ,but he stayed around ,i bet he wishes he'd fucked off , cos he ended up with a driving ban.
Friday Thaughts
it's alright for some.... i soppose i will have to do some serious
Hello from a new member
no , we tend to touch our heads on here.
Friday Thaughts
nope ,mines in the shop. only got the passola , but the lads on the bandits and gixxers i usualy ride with wont wait for me BASTARDS.
fast flashers
you may have a point there tommy.boy. i didn't look at the wattage of the bulbs, well done,
Paging UpYours, paging UpYours
Starting system
yup, fooked battery.
Paging UpYours, paging UpYours
aw, thanks barky you always guide me in the right errection direction.
Hello from a new member
hay up . who wants to join my passola club then welcome to the yoc passola owners club .we now have the grand total of two members . consider this your liftime membership welcome pack. now then .. whats up with it..
Whole street emptied in Woodford Green
you cheeky bleeders i have feelings you know.
kh125 none yamaha
that will teach me too hum and i, about something , he's sold it to the first punter who saw it. bummer.
kh125 none yamaha
they most be rare , as theres none on ebay at the moment.