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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. it's coming together nicely pat, them photo's are a lot sharper too, not perfect , but sharper.
  2. im liking it lots keith, as for the camera work ,take your time , slow is the name of the game, so we can take a good look at it. looks great in matt black i must admit.
  3. by starting it , do you mean starting it up, giving it a blast, or starting it as in starting a project.
  4. it should be ready for the squires run i think.
  5. i used three different, indipendent mot inspectors who i am not related to in any way. each scribbled the same note. and said, quote , it's not blowing so il pass it with an advisory.
  6. he want's affordable , so it's the ,,,,,,,,,,,BANDIT.
  7. i like loud, i like it so much that i get an advisory every year from my mot man.
  8. up.yours

    going green.

    times were hard then, eh , dirty.
  9. oh yea i just noticed one of his new post's under his brand new username..
  10. you know what they say, second class riding beats the shit out of ,,first class walking.
  11. if cash is so tight, i would leave it as it is and enjoy riding it instead of worrying about what, knobheads ,thought about it.
  12. we , in bolton had "TURIZMO" motors , they hand built them from scratch, in your case it would simply be a piece of chrome pipe bent into shape. but they are now shut down. maybe you could find a local garage who do pipe welding that may oblige you, for a small fee , or a couple of beers.
  13. ogb has one also. i have two , but they are on my car.
  14. insurance companies arn't stupid , are they.
  15. and your guts will still spill out all over the place.
  16. if you ask most folk with loud pipes, they will tell you that they have to replace the original pipes for the motti. as for loud pipes , go all the way and fit streight throughs on it.
  17. caustic soda for me too, then use sylkolin oil, as mine never gets carbon build up anymore.i use comp t2 off road oil.
  18. ah, well now your back ,where's me thanks,(or suck eggs kiss my arse) or something.
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