Everything posted by up.yours
And So It Begins,,,,, Mini Bike
it's coming together nicely pat, them photo's are a lot sharper too, not perfect , but sharper.
My Bobber project
im liking it lots keith, as for the camera work ,take your time , slow is the name of the game, so we can take a good look at it. looks great in matt black i must admit.
i have this problem.......
BELIEVE.....? it wont last.
todays the day
by starting it , do you mean starting it up, giving it a blast, or starting it as in starting a project.
And So It Begins,,,,, Mini Bike
it should be ready for the squires run i think.
- Dragstar 650 wanting loud pipes
C-1 fully-enclosed self-balancing motorcycle
you fall off
600cc first big bike
he want's affordable , so it's the ,,,,,,,,,,,BANDIT.
- Dragstar 650 wanting loud pipes
And So It Begins,,,,, Mini Bike
go pat go.
going green.
times were hard then, eh , dirty.
xt350 stebel air horn
you will need one
600cc first big bike
xt350 stebel air horn
oh yea i just noticed one of his new post's under his brand new username..
What should I do about my ugly plastics?
you know what they say, second class riding beats the shit out of ,,first class walking.
What should I do about my ugly plastics?
if cash is so tight, i would leave it as it is and enjoy riding it instead of worrying about what, knobheads ,thought about it.
xt350 stebel air horn
Dragstar 650 wanting loud pipes
we , in bolton had "TURIZMO" motors , they hand built them from scratch, in your case it would simply be a piece of chrome pipe bent into shape. but they are now shut down. maybe you could find a local garage who do pipe welding that may oblige you, for a small fee , or a couple of beers.
xt350 stebel air horn
ogb has one also. i have two , but they are on my car.
Insurance on my bike
insurance companies arn't stupid , are they.
C-1 fully-enclosed self-balancing motorcycle
and your guts will still spill out all over the place.
- 600cc first big bike
- Dragstar 650 wanting loud pipes
- De-Coke solution?
- Advice for getting a Cat C write off back on the road