Everything posted by up.yours
Say hello from South America.
welcome to the madhouse j/k, and thanks for the invite, right lads"who's" comming .
An Absolute Legend on Jeremy Kyle
well on that note, i,'l pop up stairs and spank the monkey.
idiot on a yellow diversion
we'll meet again don't know where don't know when, but when we meet again , i,l poke ya in the feckin eye one sunny dayyyyyy.
My Bobber project
good luck mate, but whatever you get ,you'l do it justice im sure.
won't happen , not with that tash of yours anyway
My Bobber project
a vmax bobber, feck me noise, thats one to watch out for , baited breath and all that.
An Absolute Legend on Jeremy Kyle
why thankyou sacha, do you realy think so.
Townmate t50 what's it worth
erm ? ? YOU DID..
An Absolute Legend on Jeremy Kyle
feck off
The Joke page
you dirty little bastard.
I really want your helps.
honing the piston isn't a kitchen sink job anyhow.
Pilninggas' 2012 trip to the Alps part 1
very nice mervin , is this why you didn't attend squires. i must say though , i do envy you.
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
im not just a pretty face.
Townmate t50 what's it worth
a bag of brussel sprouts, and a cabbage.
My Bobber project
i work with a guy who's currently doing a 1200 bandit bobber, he ain't got far with it though. he has the frame the tank the seat and a set of digital clocks, he also has a full bandit as parts donner.
Aerox - charge phone!?
see how we spoil folk on this forum? we don't even ask for a thankyou.
My Bobber project
draggies better than that heap, you will have a good winter project though.
My first bike, a little scared at first but love it now.
that ducatti diavel looks the dogs bollox (good) in black, i saw one at squires. the vmax is the way forward though.
2003 Thundercat Front Brakes
at least you jumped in with help rather than ," my bike won't start ,why/". welcome to the madhouse yambam. also this is an oldish post ,he's probley sorted it by now.
Aerox - charge phone!?
you can simply put it under the seat or tuck it in behind a panel, i just leave mine sticking out of the panel behind my leg.
Ninja Show... impressive
top act over here, this country is on a slippery slope. too the funny farm.
Aerox - charge phone!?
yes , i do this on my rdlc using a socket with two croc clips, i put it onto the battery terminals. i use it to charge my phone and also to power my satnav. this is the one i use http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-Auxiliary-Car-Battery-Terminal-Clip-Cigarette-Lighter-Power-Socket-Adaptor-/400319026346?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5d34df94aa
My first bike, a little scared at first but love it now.
they took it down the harley street
I really want your helps.
+1 for the above
aerox 100cc battery drains when starting up with elec start and then wont start can any1 help
keep it topped up on a trickle charge when not in use . i use this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/500mA-charger-for-6V-12V-sealed-lead-acid-batteries-/360483875266?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_Battery_Chargers&hash=item53ee8369c2