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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. up.yours

    Armed police!

    i have a bsa meteor , very deadly to the quarry i use it on. .22 cal hell yea?
  2. ebay stock them andy. i would have tagged along with you andy , but i have a national shoot i need to be at . the bikes out the garage now. so maybe next time mate.
  3. see, he's not dead. who said he may be dead, you sicko ..
  4. i bet you look old though unlike me ,
  5. your too generous andy , i have original ones in the shed, and a mate has a garage with lifting frame , but thanks for the offer mate.
  6. cheers guys , now it's insured i can pull my finger out and get the jobs done while it's sunny. it runs fine , i just got back from a jolly to the BARN, but it needs a few jobs doing "like speedo neutral light and tyre re-seating . oh yea? the most important bit, the front wheel bearings shot.
  7. got a note from the heads, telling me to sorn my bike or get it insured.. it's been laid up for a while, so it's off the road in the shed. it has TAX on until end of year, so why the fuck should i have to sorn it. anyway i just got it insured for £87.00p yea read it and weep young un's... this is with hastings direct fully comprehensive ..
  8. thats boring Ttasky, for one moment i thought it was a link to a drag page
  9. it's funny you should say that, cos jonesy's a drag queen .
  10. My mate jonesy has one and swears by it. But that said. He is very short and also he's a poof
  11. she lives next door to me , she's fine. fortunately she didn't have her two children in the car , as she was on her way home from work. but the tosser on the bike , lives / lived around the corner with three kids and a wife, he's 25 and held a good job, in fact he was working on the same site as my own lad. he should be looking after his family and setting a good example not being a prick. well , like i said ,at least he got his comeuppance .
  12. it's no use appealing to their conscience, they obviously don't have one or they would have stopped in the first place. fortunately this prick near me did stop (not of his own accord) and he may if he lives, learn the error of his ways. how can pricks like this be stopped in the first place though? answers on a post card please.
  13. it's right their in front of you , you only have to look.
  14. doh .....................................................nut.
  15. bikes laid up guys , have a gud un i'l see you all in september
  16. this cock got it right, this happen'd in my street just as i arrived home from work, i said at least he's not hurt anyone . his wife give me the daggers .. but so what, it could have been somebody's child he hit. i mean come on ? iff he can't see a big green scenic in front of him ,he's no chance of seeing a small child. the driving test is their so that you can show that your able to control a motorbike on the street, this cunt obviously wasn't capable . http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/districtnews/10497176.Biker_Marcus_Oakley_fighting_for_his_life_after_horror_crash_on_his_birthday/ p.s edit( he wasn't a biker , he was a local knobhead terrorizing our local area.
  17. ta john. (w4nker) the ones im after are vibe protected, whatever the fuck that entails is anyone's guess.
  18. my super senses are detecting sarcasm .
  19. i thought if you held a full bike licence you were allowed to ride pillion with a learner.
  20. they take a lot less consumption than a standard bulb ,i can pick a kit up for £25 ish i just looked at this vid , ignore his abortion of an instaul (what a fuckin mess) mine is miles tidier in the car. just take a look at 1min 35secs . which bulb would you lot say it is , im tied between h4-3 and h4-4 .
  21. i was swaying over too the H 4 - 4
  22. i thought it would be be simple , but this is my problem .
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