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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. sick is funny . and yea im on't same number . you can all stick them up your arseholes the rest of you. . then give em to me. you wankers.
  2. cheers newman for that reply.. . i asked you all for phone numbers earlier in the thread as yet i ain't got any replies
  3. up.yours


    i congratulated you on another thread newman . now your just rubbish
  4. your making me blush i best get my sig back also , folk on here will be thinking your gay .
  5. i'd rather put my head up my own arse . than drive a fuckin KIA.
  6. up.yours


    common sense say's put it in a van. i'm at the understanding even with fully comp, if your not the owner, the bike will still need to be insured by somebody before it can be ridden .
  7. well now that your better . tap those keys and sort your sig out.
  8. or you could have gangreen or a blood clot or worse
  9. i would tow it with my rd b4 i would sit in a bloody kia i hope you have break down cover . with relay .
  10. on a serious note from me (for a change) check that you haven't damaged your cooling fans through blowing compressed air at them, as it can cause them to rotate faster than they should. and it could then overheat ...
  11. virago's are a very nice girly bike. some men have them also..
  12. you dick ? it needs un-ticking can't you read. edit: you need to un-tick the bottom box as shown in newmans picci then a box appears at the uppermost arrow on the picture ,just click on that and it all lights up .
  13. you may as well stick them up your arse for what they'r worth.
  14. hey jason , you can see my old knob again . did i tell you all that jason knobbed me erm no he didn't he knobbed my bike for me
  15. i best go and take that shit off my sig now
  16. newman is the best mod ever period >
  17. you won't want to be entering it on a 125 trust me
  18. it beggers belief , as if theirs not enough to contend with.
  19. don't listen to these idiots use my prefered method, place it into a cotton pillow case , put it into the washing machine on a pre-wash for twenty min's . drip dry outside all day,( DO NOT , PUT IT ON A FAST SPIN). hey presto one nearly new looking laptop.. ( i would also recommend using ariel rather than bold ).
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