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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. up.yours

    Meme challenge

    deleted by me on the grounds of respect.
  2. you can touch my ring though
  3. hats off to you john . personally i couldn't do it. i can't find my way out of twatsville ..
  4. a reliant robbin is a fitting replacement for a kia..
  5. up.yours

    Meme challenge

    it's funny you say that andrew , as iv'e copied and pasted your wifes photo onto my phone
  6. up.yours

    Meme challenge

    thats one for the wank bank erm two stroke thread
  7. up.yours

    Washing a bike!

    throw some JIZZ OVER IT ? jizer over the greasy shit . or wd40 on a rag works well on greasy back wheels..
  8. up.yours

    Meme challenge

    you even worry me foams ?
  9. ah, back from work ? now i,l start off by saying you lot made my weekend (no not my bell end) an epic one. ta for that. my ride home once again went pear shaped, first of i turned right instead of listening to newmee and then left then decided to back track and follow good advice, then the shat nav kicked in to save the day , then it shut up? so i chickened out and took the motorway it's easier ? good evens ? that head wind had me down to fifty mph most of the time... so i came off in manchester , what a fuckin shit hole ? took me forty five minutes to get back on the motorway . but i did have a dry run home... im now sat here planning for the next one.. hmmm ? condoms rubber gloves vasali
  10. Hats off to you all , you all made my weekend. I'm in the pub now ,using this daft phone. So I will get back too you all. Tomorrow
  11. bikes packed, hopefully it stays together. i was setting of now but the wifes put the kettle on , so im having my brew then filling up with fuel at st peters way . see you two twonks at 8.30AM
  12. ha ha haaaar it breaths i,m going in the morning night all.
  13. spoke to daves wife on the phone, he's fine , just a couple of stitches in his lip and a chipped tooth.. oh and a bit of bruising . she said at least it's stopped him whining.. it could have been much worse ,, it might have been me..
  14. tea break ? it's going together lads. this has been my biggest nail biter ever.
  15. i got myself an early finish i,m of home to fix my bike yahoo..... 8.30 at macki d's tom your meeting me their... handbags at dawn boyo's....
  16. big dave rung me . it's out he rung me from the A-E it hit him in the mouth took a tooth out and ripped his lip BUT theirs no damage to the bike. i just need to put it all back together tonight .... pucker up foams/elvis. i,l be their ... that was a song wern't it...
  17. got my oil through today . it smells ? erm ? kinda oily .. i might pour some in my hole.
  18. i washed it this morning, im hoping some soap has worked it's way into the bung.. anyhow me N big dave will be AT IT in the dark tonight ? i will phone you in't mornin drewps if im setting off early..
  19. we CAN rebuild it ? it's just a machine.. don't worry foams i,l warm your little cockles...
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