Everything posted by up.yours
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
Vote for Tommy - DDT, Slice, Andrew, Foamy, Drewpy ( with new font) Vote for Kevs Noise kev peter paul andrew shaun philip burt john danny simon dean gary derick adam jane karen susan martha mavis angela samson angus and me. I would like my cash back aswell as my t-shirt.
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
anyway you crude lot, ! lets get back into katies box.. katie , you avoided mine and jasons question about your erect nipple,
Some are bikers, some are not so.
of course there is, take me for instance
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
is it the writing or the picci that is copy right .
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
katie why do you have an errect nipple at the base of your box.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
how fuckin old are you take a look here,, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=motorcycle+front+view&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=J4wgU9qbBISK7AafjoCQCA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=667#q=life+behind+bars+motorcycle&tbm=isch i like this best.. the yellow bit can be replaced with the yam logo..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
can't we simply add a different bike picture .. TAKE YOUR PICK https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=motorcycle+front+view&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=J4wgU9qbBISK7AafjoCQCA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=667
Wasn't able to receive the YAMAHA KIT
you can't get a bloody t-shirt on here , let alone a YAMAHA KIT !
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
i thought he was joking when he said he's going to barbados with our money !
Do you Love Cheese ??? (NWS ?)
Do you Love Cheese ??? (NWS ?)
why's no one mentioned knob cheese , cos knob cheese is very funny..
Security for my new bike?
don't let it put you off , that is extream. he would look a fool doing that in the street. and get a clip round the ear for the show.. just use a barrel type chain , they are awkward to work on..
Anyone got this part?
you always have to bring me into things don't you,
suzi rm 250 1998
cheers pal i will pass that on when it blows up on him..
suzi rm 250 1998
update, top end off. found to drawing in air , new gasket fitted , but not torqued down as it don't need to be clutch cover removed side casing and clutch removed, found that the C clip on the impeller shaft was missing ,, retrieved from under bar and re-fit. we now have movement in the radiator .. no time to test it as he had to come home for his tea,,, so more next week...
clutch cover gasket
your supposed to back me up,, i just told my lad he's a fool , and to use the correct stuff. also told him to torque down the cylinder head , has his mate as just elbo torqued it
clutch cover gasket
is it a good idea to use a cornflake box as a gasket for this , if not why!
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
top of my camping list ! PLASTIC SHEET.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
i have my eye on some new blood, noisey boy !
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
im happy with it staying as it is, just try a different print shop..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
is their not another printing place near to you , maybe they will do them..
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
what do you think of my makeover guy's,
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
it's hardly t shirt weather ,, but well done anyway dirty bugger newman..
Off to Scotland tomorrow but!
i just got in from work. it's pissing down your better off in't van tom. unfortunately my car is in the shop , so im ringing out my jacket and gloves, then having a shit a shower and a nap. have a good un tommy lad..
last years woes!!
thats the best place to brake down i suppose..