Everything posted by up.yours
Squires 2017 2nd and 3rd September
me and murph will be there , who wants to be the sausage inbetween us
im back.
finally , I'm back on the forum after all this time what the hell is that stupid authenticator thing all about . what a load of bollox.
growing a beard
I lied , I also have this one of my pooch "ANGUS"
growing a beard
I only have this little one
fuck off, yo ho ho.
growing a beard
they only hurt coz your a pussy.
Vesperados toy run this sunday
yum yum he was tasty now go and fuck off you two
Vesperados toy run this sunday
Nice one Andy, I should have come to the barn and had a pint, as the boss was out when I get home.
Vesperados toy run this sunday
PGreat day out, for a great charity. Well done to all who turned out. It was a massive turn out again. Great seeing Tommy and Andrew again ,ta for the cuppa tea drewpy. I really enjoyed viewing all the old lambrettas and old cars, my favorites were the sidecars I thought they were well good. anyway get some piccs posted drewpy I didn't take any.
Vesperados toy run this sunday
Don't fuck off without me !
Vesperados toy run this sunday
See you about eleven o clock Andy. is it Santa dress or casual.
M60 Ring of Red - 13 Nov 16
If you had caught me a few seconds earlier I would have shown you something horrible.
M60 Ring of Red - 13 Nov 16
It was a massive turnout , Met finners and his mate,but didn't really get a chance to sit and chat as we had to ride, and I didn't see him again at the finish , hope you got home safe pal.
M60 Ring of Red - 13 Nov 16
Found a hand bag
M60 Ring of Red - 13 Nov 16
It's busy .
M60 Ring of Red - 13 Nov 16
I'm here find me.
M60 Ring of Red - 13 Nov 16
I'll be on the rd , watch for the smoke
M60 Ring of Red - 13 Nov 16
i,ll be there, but I don't have anything red to wear.
Polite think bike hi viz jackets
they do make you sit up in your seat though.
Polite think bike hi viz jackets
I notice hi-viz jackets better than I do an all in black biker, but that's because when I'm on the bike I'm looking where I'm going, iff a driver isn't looking , he ain't gonna see iff your wearing a big pink elephant suit.
Servicing YBR 125 with warranty intact
what constitutes a competent engineer Jason ,
Spare key required for ybr125
Or go to a Paki.
Spare key required for ybr125
Thompson's are expensive , They will not use blanks supplied by yourself, they only use there own , Go to a paki key cutters ,they are usually a lot cheaper. And that key in the photo isn't chipped so £2.50p should get you a new key.
YBR125 chain / sprockets refit - what else should I check whilst the back wheel is off?
take photo's before you start to assist with rebuild, just in case you have memory lapses like me.
Spare key required for ybr125
try another locksmiths someone should cut you one, I find the old school guys can't be arsed with foreign locks for whatever reason.