Everything posted by up.yours
yamaha t50 townmate
it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it at the end of the day.
great forum
I only peeked. any how my youngest lad is going to Scotland in a couple of weeks with his new chick I gave him the father son talk and included the drink drive line , it seemed to go well , but the wife said when he went out , he was more interested in his messages than what you had to say .
great forum
that's done nowt lasso it won't let me quote people either. dutchfj1200 your so rude. Mervin im hoping your right, as I enjoy a pint with my meal. NEO if things aren't going my way , it's shit. it could be that I no longer use google chrome like NEO mentioned as I haven't got it installed since I replaced the hard drive the other week.
great forum
your takin the piss .grrrr
great forum
why won't this forum let me copy and paste on a new post. nothing wrong with my computer , it copys and paste on google and face/ache. and it won't let me use smileys either. ffs. anyway , I was going to start a thread concerning the drink drive limit increase up their in jockland and your thoughts . but I can't be arsed to type , so wanted to put a post from the daily mail here.. fuckin icons grrrrrr.
YOC Squires 2015 T-shirts...
well ! if you need a photographer and the girls are getting their kit off , "slobber slobber" I suppose I'm available .
- Want a new helmet
YOC Squires 2015 T-shirts...
I will take over, just send me your money .
- Want a new helmet
bollocks, peeps!
fuckin hate cats, my dogs choke on them
bollocks, peeps!
oh fuck ! we're in for it now.
bollocks, peeps!
haha you thick git.
Manchester classic bike clubs charity meeting 19TH October.
im doing a work party at the gun range on this date.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
cos they got a hole in the arse.
Squires 2015
i have never been to stafford bike show so im up for that as a venue. whats the roads like around that area for a bimble. can we camp there. when will we find out if anything is happening around our agreed dates.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
it used to be funny to shove a straw up a frogs arse and blow it up. i don't see the amusement now that im older. maybe im just getting grumpy in my old age..
Squires 2015
how about the queens park in bolton for the venue , i know my way to that.
removal/install drive chain
don't matter what chain he has , if it's a continuous chain you just twat it with a ball pein hammer.
where did it all start to go wrong for you andy.
RD350LC Wheelie
fair point,
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
are you a jock or a german jimmy
RD350LC Wheelie
mine won't wheelie , mind you im a hundred stone and i sit on the tank.
devils bridge
i live at the back of that pub john..
devils bridge
this was at winfields in haslingden . thats andys tampon im looking at. and the ariel leader is the same as my dad used to own , i have a photo of me sat on it when i was 5 years old.
devils bridge
Great ride out with drewpy and murph . I'm in the Moseley arms now see you when I'm home.