Everything posted by up.yours
what visor
i have a thick rim......?................yes ,i have the RSR2 indy with a 3 mil thick visor,made by shark and i want a tinted visor,witch colour visor is less prone to scatching and looking shite,after a month or two,and have you had one.
2 stroke oil
i know ive mentioned oil b4 but my work mate is an agent for lucas oils in america ,he tells me their the best,and all the harleys use it,now i know they dont use 2stroke ,so does anyone know if lucas 2stroke oil is as good as silkolyn ,also the oil i use is comp pre mix ,will this oil be competative' ie is it for both pre mixing and oil pumps ,or one or the other.
Module 1 test tomorrow (weds)
[Thanks for all the messages guys. If there is anyone thinking of taking the test then just go for it, it really is pretty simple, well done,i said go and enjoy the day,it relaxes you ,but take care out their,
A potential life-changing question
ide hit him with the camara .just for the hell of it
New member
wow what happend to your hair ,am i the only one to notice it,oh welcome aswell.
Module 1 test tomorrow (weds)
sorry for the slow reply,the bike i used was an MTX125 cc ,rather new at the time,theyr classics now,
brakedown cover
do they cover the bike,or the person to ride or drive anything.
two stroke oil
well im no expert ,thats why im asking the questions,but i wouldnt put it in mi elsie,
brakedown cover
lol ive a mate with a van ,but he,s a bit thick on the repair it side of things.
brakedown cover
what brakedown company do you all use , and are they any good,i used to use the AA but is their anything out their in the UKbetter.
two stroke oil
i think you ought to try this silky i use then.
Module 1 test tomorrow (weds)
I was wondering if anyone had any tips? hi,bad luck, the tip i give to everyone is dont look at it as a test ,tell yourself its another ride out and enjoy the day ,it helps you to relax .the only other TIP ,is dont anwer the phone when your ironing,good luck next time.kev
Dont know much about my bike
then book yourself some lessons,just to be safe?
two stroke oil
put a few thousand miles on the clock,and ring its neck while your doing them, then let me know if the engine seizes'
congrats goff +future hubby,i may showup im only round the bend?
congrats goff +future hubby,i may showup im only round the bend?
poor service
your right droops me old chum,one phone call and my moneys been refunded.no need to name and shame, the guys come good.ta kev
two stroke oil
hi foamy ,isnt that stuff for lawn mower engines,well a jawa is a lawn mower in disguise i suppose ? how you doin with them electrics ,hope your on top of them.
- tyre fiil
- tyre fiil
How cool are these!
hey whats this wedding ,i hope the yam owners club members are all invited .nice trike.to.but back to that wedding?
two stroke oil
well i use silkolene comp2 pre-mix 2T off road ,in my 1981 rd350lc ,with no problems,i was told too by my mate,joshua2,i ring its neck on most sundays with very little smoke and no oily build up in the pipes,the only problem is it cost £46.75p for a 4L bottle.now that + the fuel works out expensive, i use 350ml of oil to 12L of fuel.what do you lot use ,and what you using it in and for how long you bin using it,+the cost..ta kev
- tyre fiil
- tyre fiil
- tyre fiil