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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. dang ,now thats what i call a horn, but its moving in the wrong direction of originality.as i said i would rather keep it original. would replica 6v horns be ok as you only dab them on and off .and they wont need as much current from the battery. the bikes a 12v.
  2. up.yours


    i know exactly where your comming from ,i tried to bank one once , nearly came a cropper when the bloody thing scraped around the corner,cost me £48 ,(alot of money then) to fix,never borrowed one since.
  3. 90mph+ motorway speeds i didnt think you would keep up sorry.
  4. iff it aint raining on weds i might come tut club on it,we can play with my horn together.
  5. watch em ,they nearly had me on the motorway the other day,glad to hear you held it together though'.
  6. yes they are twin but it isnt the fuse as there is a slight attemp for them to work ,
  7. well it didnt blow up ,110mph not bad for an old girl with a bfg astride her.i did get lost though ,they all pissed off while i was filling up,ended up other side of leeds without a bluddy clue where i was going,found a motorway and followed it till i saw a sign for manchester ,the rd is resting until her next adveture,who knows i may recover to bug you all on sunday,by for now.kev
  8. ok you lot, i think he has the point now.
  9. my float sticks now and again ,the carbs are clean ,when it fluds just tap it again.the other issue i dont know ,it was a long time ago i had one of those ,sorry for taking longer to reply this time ,ive just been out with the dogs.
  10. i know its a bit cheeky of me but your better at finding things than me,can you post a link to it on here for me,MATE?.
  11. by using the plastic end of a screw driver lightly tap the side of the carb ,if you know what a carb is, the float needle may have stuck causing it to stick open ,sometimes called flooding,hope it works for ya.
  12. today i thought i would give someone the horn,the silly sod swung in from the outside lane forcing me in to the first lane,and no i didnt shit my pants ,i tried to give him the horn .but it didnt work,so he got the wanker sighn instead.can horns be renovated or will they need replacing, they are the disc type.
  13. suppose its alright for checking your arse after youve had a dump.
  14. up.yours

    It lives!!

    more like a little FOCKER in the back ground.
  15. up.yours


    aw you said the gay word. he said the GAY word every one.
  16. im thinking iff i dont blow the engine this weekend ,you can add me as a maybe on your list.i hope also that somebody knows the way their cos i get lost at the bottom of my street.
  17. up.yours

    It lives!!

    and all along he was flying his JAWA, the little lier?
  18. i know its a bit last minute but were off to leeds from bolton int morning 0830 at radcliff rd garage if anyone fancies it,the only clause is you need to be able to stay up with my 350lc cos its the slow--- er- smallest cc bike,see you their iff youve nowt on.
  19. ah someone has eventualy got the jist of the topic ,well done cov-al,the rest of you are THICK
  20. up.yours


    oh i see, we cant say he gay word any more {oops}
  21. some folk have mentioned using plasticote spray ,for barbiques.it supposed to work well.
  22. up.yours

    Two RDs

    you forgot to mention we slept together josh,or is that our secret.
  23. when will the teething problems be sorted out on this forum,my lappy works fine on other forums ,but slow on here.
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